

filial:[英 [ˈfɪliəl] 美 [ˈfɪliəl] ]


filial 基本解释



filial 网络解释

1. filial

1. 子女的:extirpate消灭v | filial子女的a | affiliation加入联系,v


2. 孝顺的:fashionable 时髦的 | filial 孝顺的 | flagrant; Notorious 臭名远扬的

3. 当做子女的:filial 子女的 | filial 当做子女的 | filially 子女似地

filial 双语例句

1. filial的近义词

1. Not everyone is lucky, but everyone can cherish his own opportunities to work hard, be kind and filial.


2. filial在线翻译

2. Filial pieti is defin as a son s or daughter s obedi to and respect for parent.


3. The aim of this study was to understand the influence in parental relations through filial therapy.


4. Family life and marital relations, filial sons and daughters do not.


5. filial

5. The aim of this study was to understand the influence in parental relations through filial therapy. The targeted subjects included one mother and her son.



6. The conclusions from this study were as the following:(1) The civilized mentality among teenagers was a multi-dimension structure, including kindness to fellowmen, courageously righteousness, etiquette, intelligence, keeping promise, peaceful relations, filial piety, industry and thrift, mutual aid and friendly affection and ecosystem consciousness, (2) The questionnaire of civilized mentality for Chinese teenagers had a good reliability and validity.


7. Peer moral self has four factors: altruism, trust, respect and tolerance. Group moral self has three factors:social morality, dedication and sophisticate. Family moral self has four factors: filial piety, good relations of neighbourhood, hardworking and frugality.


8. The astonishment of the Pick wickians was so absorbing, and the perplexity of Mr. Pick wick was so extreme, that they might have remained in exactly the same relative situations until the suspended animation of the lady was restored, had it not been for a most beautiful and touching expression of filial affection on the part of her youthful son.


9. Second, parents Metta is filial piety.


10. Filial son in another world - earth, you kow, requests that come to you.


11. Being loyal to parents, in a sense, is a filial piety; being loyal to family, in a sense, is a signal of living a happy life; being loyal to company, in a manner, is loyal to our own career, which is a different method to make contribution.


12. Some DNA damages maybe pass down to the filial generation, which is called gene mutation.


13. For this reason, some people called it the pike, but some said that it is the filial generation of the carp and goldfish.


14. Go again then specific the filial generation code that examines sort.


15. filial的翻译

15. Studies showed that prenatal stress could change filial generation s behavior and brain morphology.


16. It introduced the influencing factors of pregnant with psychological problems in gestation period and its influences of both on parturient and on their filial generation.


17. Comparison study on performance among albino rainbow trout and Donaldson rainbow trout and their filial generation were studied.


18. The lamb is a filial generation of a goat and a milch goat. There was no horn on the head.


19. Filial piety in order to obtain very good reputation, worthy progeny were in this really has gone through quite some efforts, spend money on behalf of the deceased complained that is worthy progeny are very ancient trick.


20. filial的解释

20. It was Chung Yang Festival yesterday, many filial children went to pay respect to their deceased ancestors. The atmosphere at the tombs for different deceased artists were different, some were very quite, some with many flowers or fruits. Among all Anita Mui had most visitors, in front of her tablets both in Po Lin Monestry and Shang Sin Chung Tong there were plenty flowers and fruits. Her brother and Marianne both paid her respect in Shang Sin Chung Tong. Also some nuns/monks paid her respect in Po Lin. A child of 7 accompanied by his parent even kowtowed to Ah Mui. Also many tourists stopped in front of Mui's tablet, they all bowed to her respectfully.


filial 词典解释

1. 子女的;孝顺的

You can use filial to describe the duties, feelings, or relationships which exist between a son or daughter and his or her parents.

e.g. His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties...


e.g. Right now I'm in need of a little filial affection.


filial 单语例句filial的意思

1. For a rural couple, failure to produce issue still constitutes the cardinal filial sin.

2. Eminent monks are invited to the Jiuhua Mountain Cemetery to hold special a ceremony to carry forward the filial culture.

3. While a revival of traditional values centering on filial piety is essential, it is equally important for the government to take action.

4. Experience tells us that lack of money and time prevents most of the people from meeting the requirements of the filial code of conduct.

5. This was an extreme example of the decline in filial piety but may be a sign of what is to come.

6. And while core Confucian traditions like filial piety may appear moribund in the modern day, hutong life reveals just the opposite.

7. Confucian overemphasis on filial piety and respect for authority was criticized during the May 4 Movement in 1919 as hampering social progress.

8. The ancient sage Confucius stressed that one must protect even one's hair and skin from being hurt as a mark of filial piety.

9. Admiration for hospitality and filial piety is combined with grumbles about disrespect for queues and inconsiderate motorists.

10. Conventional wisdom holds that traditional Chinese filial piety is on the wane, to the detriment of family ties.

filial在线翻译filial 英英释义


1. relating to or characteristic of or befitting an offspring

e.g. filial respect

2. designating the generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation