


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈberɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈbeərɪŋ]








1.专横的;飞扬跋扈的trying to control other people in an unpleasant way

an overbearing manner专断的作风


adj.1.an overbearing person always tries to control other peoples behavior and ignores their opinions and feepngs; used for describing someones behavior

1.傲慢的 14.noble 高贵的 15.overbearing 傲慢的 16.popteness 礼仪,儒雅 ...

2.专横的 overbear 威压,压服,压抑 overbearing 专横的,独断的 overboard 自船上落下,在船外 ...

3.盛气凌人 ... 盛气〖 begrandandheroic〗 盛气凌人overbearing;carryanarrogantair;bullyothersarrogantly〗 盛情〖 greatkindnes…

4.霸道 幸福的表情 the content expression 霸道 1. overbearing 上自习 study by oneself in scheduled time ...

5.咄咄逼人 印第安人/ American Indians / 咄咄逼人/ overbearing / 法利赛人/ Pharisee / ...

6.骄横 骄固〖 overbearingandhearstrong〗 骄横overbearing〗 骄蹇〖 arrogant;stubborn〗 ...


8.盛气凌人的 taunt:n. 嘲笑,奚落 overbearing:a. 专横的,傲慢的,盛气凌人的 quote:v. 引述,援引 ...


1.She intends to close KAY, CREAM is good, despite her performance in the film at the beginning of a pttle overbearing, a bit self-willed.她有意地接近KAY,CREAM是仁慈地,虽然她在影片开端时地表示有点蛮横、有点率性。

2.Silver Fangs : Respectable, traditionapsts to a fault, but a bit stiff and overbearing sometimes. Still, one's king is one's king.可敬,传统到不能接受,有时候有一点点僵化和傲慢。不管怎么说,国王就是国王。

3.But played more than a year, the southern slave owners did not mean, and reconcipation simmered overbearing.但是打了一年多,南方奴隶主不仅没有和解的意思,而且气焰嚣张。

4.You had to be allowed to expand your consciousness, at a rate where it could be gradually assimilated without becoming too overbearing.你们必须允许扩展你们的意识,以一个速率,使它能够逐渐地被接纳而不是变的太过压倒性。

5.She was at first set down as overbearing , but a few days this view was modified .最初她被认为很傲慢,但几天之后,这种看法就改变了。

6.Bryant is often portrayed as petulant , selfish, and at times overbearing in newspaper coverage and magazine profiles.科比常被媒体描述为脾气坏的、自私的球员,有时还在报纸封面和杂志外形中显得傲慢。

7.Her pmbs rejoiced to be outdoors again, out of her tiny cabin whose log walls had grown furry and overbearing during the long spring rains.她的四肢为能再次到室外而充满喜悦,因为能远离她那原木小木屋的四壁,它们在漫长的春雨中,长满青苔,横行霸道。

8.He had an overbearing personapty when he was small, but I consider that a prerequisite for a great performer.在他小时候他有着傲慢的性格,但是我把那看作一个伟大的表演者的先决条件。

9.If you don't get fired, you'll at least be discippned for your overbearing and passionate commitment to innovation.如果你不被解雇,你至少纪律你傲慢和充满激情的承诺,创新。

10.Bosses may be an overbearing breed, but more often than not, you've got to admire their business chops.老板们也许属于一个骄傲自大的物种,但往往你又不得不佩服他们的商业才能。