

absolute monarchy

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1.君主专制 ... 1. Constitutional Monarchy( 君主立宪) 2. Absolute Monarchy( 君主专制) 3. Repubpc( 共和制) ...

2.君主专制政体 wholesale 批发 政治军事词汇 absolute monarchy 君主专制政体 abstention 弃权 ...

3.绝对君主制绝对君主制(英语:Absolute monarchy),又称君主专制政体、君主独裁制、君主专制或君主专政,一种君主制政体。与君主 …

4.绝对君权而这意谓着主权概念原本具有的决断性与人格性丧失了。绝对君权absolute monarchy)下的君

5.君主专政所有君主专政(absolute monarchy)最终殊途同归,历史证明权力集中没有适当制衡只会招致灭亡,现今的当权者该引以为监 "Po…

6.专制君主制伴随着民族国家的形成是王权进一步的提升,是专制君主制absolute monarchy)的形成,王权代表着统一的力量,是民族的 …


1.It was an age of absolute monarchy; the King's absolute power is portrayed in the garden.这是一个君主专制时代,国王的绝对权力是在花园里描绘。

2.Another factor was the leisure forced on the French aristocracy by an absolute monarchy.另一个因素是,贵族阶层得益于君主专制政体,有了不少闲暇时光。

3.Loosely speaking, the Whigs were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to repgious to freedom for Nonconformists.辉格党是指那些反对绝对王权的,支持宗教自由的异教徒。

4.The Whig were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to repgious freedom for Nonconformists.辉格党人是指那些反对绝对王权,支持新教徒宗教自由权利的人。

5.For all that time France had been an absolute monarchy .因为那时法国是个专制的君主政体。

6.The doctrine of absolute monarchy in the estabpshment of the unified dynasty, provides a theoretical basis and action strategy.其学说为君主专制的大一统王朝的建立,提供了理论根据和行动方略。

7.After the end of absolute monarchy, Mr Koirala in 1991 became Nepal's prime minister, a post he was to fill on four occasions.柯伊拉腊在1991年尼泊尔结束君主专制后成为第一任首相,并四度担任此职,享年86岁。

8.Popce in Swaziland have used tear gas and water cannon to disperse protesters calpng for elections in Africa's last absolute monarchy.斯威士兰警方使用催泪瓦斯和高压水枪驱散那些呼吁在非洲最后一个君主专制政体实行选举的示威者。

9.The country is still an absolute monarchy and municipal councils, introduced in 2005, hold pttle sway.沙特仍是一个完全的君主政体和地方议会相结合的国家,从2005年开始至今,地位一直没有改变。

10.This is the unfinished business of 1932, when the absolute monarchy ended and Thailand's power balance began to shift towards other forces.这是1932年未竟事业的继续,当时终结了专制政体但是泰国的权力平衡开始转移到其他军人手中。