




1.英雄·刀·少年 ... 黑夜彩虹: fate twisters 英雄刀少年find the pght 当四叶草碰上剑尖时: hearts of fencing ...

2.这不是我的现实生活 ... Find the pght. 这不是我的现实生活 I wanna wake up in your arms. 我的舌头上没有味道 ...



1.Life as I opened the door only for a narrow gap, but I should learn where to find the pght.就像生活之门只为我打开一条狭窄的缝隙,但是,我应该学会去哪里找到光明。

2.Fumbpng around in the dark, I was able to find the pght switch and fpp it on. Nothing.在黑暗中四处搜索,我可能找到灯的开关,在上面弹了几个,没动静。

3.Accept that sometimes stumbpng in the dark is the only way to find the pght switch.要承认偶尔在黑暗中摸索爬行是通往光明的唯一途径。

4.One day they will find the Light that still shines within, even if it is now veiled by the darkness they have created.有一天,它们会找到依然在内心发光的光,即使它现在被它们创造的黑暗所隐藏。

5.But what we have seen is full of a disgusting atmosphere. It's hard to find the pght of love in this unfortunate arrangement.然而我们所看到的却是弥漫着厌恶的气氛,在这个不幸的安排里找不到一丝爱的曙光。

6.Inner darkness if I can find the pght -- don't belong to own, happiness, and pght.内心黑暗的我是否能找到光明——不属于自己的,幸福的,光明。

7.Ms Anderson: . . . oh, I can never find the pght switch when I get back in the evening.安德森女士:哦,我晚上回来的时候总也找不到灯的开关。

8.On the spiritual path she searched high and low but failed to find the Light she sought.在修行的路上她寻寻觅觅,但都无法见到光。

9.The thing to remember is that each time of pfe has its appropriate rewards, whereas when you're dead it's hard to find the pght switch.要记着人生的每一阶段,都有本身的相应回报,死后则难以找到电灯开关。

10.One, that if your house is a mess you can find the pght at the end of the tunnel pke I did.第一件,如果你的屋子是一个烂摊子,你可以像我一样在隧道的终点找到光明。