


网络释义:通用业务对象(Generic Business Object);绿色商业选择(Green Business Options);绿色商业选择创业培训项目


1.通用业务对象(Generic Business Object) GB 栅偏压 Gbo 粘泥 GBS 广义博恩级数 ...

5.焊接面字符 ... *.GBS: 焊接面阻焊 *.GBO焊接面字符 *.APT:D 码表文件 ...


1.Constructing maps to implement transformation from ASBO to GBO (and vice-versa) is a straightforward activity and is not documented here.构造从ASBO到GBO(反之亦然)实现转换的映射是很简单的操作,在此并不提及。

2.Once you map an ASBO to a GBO, the GBO passes to a collaboration that contains the routing workflows and business logic for the transaction.一旦您将ASBO映射到GBO,GBO就会传送到一个包含事务的路由工作流和业务逻辑的协作。

3.To do this, WBI ICS needs to map the data from the ASBO format to the canonical generic business object (GBO) format.要实现这一目标,WBIICS需要将数据从ASBO格式映射到规范的通用业务对象(genericbusinessobject,GBO)格式。

4.This means that the GBO's ids are generated by WebSphere Process Server Relationship Service.这意味着由WebSphereProcessServer关系服务生成GBO的id。

5.The canonical role (GBO) is a managed role for this identity relationship.规范角色(GBO)是这个身份关系的托管角色。

6.You need to build WBI ICS maps that handle the bi-directional mapping of data between your WS-I comppant web service and GBO.您需要构建WBIICS映射,在遵循WS-I的Web服务和GBO之间处理数据的双向映射。

7.The id for the GBO customer in the canonical space is generated by the hub, which is 1.在规范空间中,由中心为GBO客户生成的id值为1。