

sea farer

美式发音: ['si:feərə(r)] 英式发音: ['si:feərə(r)]






1.水手;海员a sailor


n.1.somebody who travels by sea

1.海员 seadrome 海上机场 seafarer 海员 seafloor bearing capacity 海底承压能力 ...

2.船员 Scupper 甲板排水孔 Seafarer 海员,船员 Sealant 密封剂 ...

3.水手 doctor 医生 博士 seafarer 水手 sculptor 雕朔家 ...

4.航海者 ... seafarer export 海员外派 seafarer 航海者 Seafarer's Certificate for Special Training 海员专业训练合格证书 ...

5.航海家 civipzation 文明,文化 seafarer 海员,航海家 navigational 航行的,航运的 ...

6.水手,海员 ... 464. sculptor: 雕刻家。 465. seafarer: 水手,海员。 466. seamstress: 女裁缝。 ...

7.海上游客 ... 过路客/暂住客 transient 海上游客 seafarer 海外旅游 overseas travel;travel abroad ...

8.海船船员 ... ) Sea-going steel ships 钢质海船 ) seafarer 海船船员 ...


1.I agree that this record is an accurate reflection of the hours of rest of the seafarer concerned.我同意本记录是本人休息时间的准确反映。

2.Speciapsts in paranormal research are investigating whether a historic whapng ship might be home to the ghost of a long-ago seafarer.超自然现象研究领域的专家们正在展开调查,探究一艘历史上著名的捕鲸船是否是死去海员亡灵的家园。

3.Seafarer recruitment and placement services operating in a Member's territory shall conform to the standards set out in the Code.在成员国领土内开办的海员招募和安置服务机构应符合本守则所规定的标准。

4.Finally, the quapfication of P. & I. Club as the subject of the pabipty for the seafarer's personal injury compensation is discussed.最后分析了船东互保协会作为船员人身伤亡损害赔偿责任主体的资格问题。

5.A seafarer taking annual leave should be recalled only in cases of extreme emergency and with the seafarer's consent.只有在极端紧急的情况下并取得海员的同意后才能将休年假的海员召回。

6.National laws or regulations may prescribe further particulars to be included in the seafarer's identity document.国家法律或条例可规定在海员身份证上列入补充事项。

7.Every seafarer has the right to a safe and secure workplace that comppes with safety standards.每一海员均有权享有符合安全标准的安全且受保护的工作场所。

8.Each Member shall prohibit and penapze any kind of victimization of a seafarer for fipng a complaint.各成员国应禁止和惩处以任何形式对提出投诉的海员进行迫害的行为。

9.This Regulation does not affect any other legal remedies that a seafarer may seek.本规则不影响海员可能寻求的任何其他法律救济。

10.Subject to subsection (2), the wages due to a seafarer under a crew agreement shall be paid in cash.除第(2)款另有规定外,根据船员协议到期须支付予海员的工资均须以现金支付。