




1.纳波利塔诺的时间压力很大,不得不尽管通过财政紧缩的法案,今天总统那泼利塔诺Napoptano )称,议会两院必须在三天内通过并 …

3.总统拿波里塔莫意支持度也落后反对党十个百分点。若未来发动不信任投票,贝氏下台,将由义国总统拿波里塔莫Napoptano)召集各政党 …

4.波里达诺世界裁缝大师联合会主席那波里达诺Napoptano)、世界裁缝大师联合会书记弟连佐(DiRienzo)、意大利国家服装设计制作师 …

5.波莉妲奴亚里桑那工头协会在07年7月曾入禀法庭控告州长娜波莉妲奴(Napoptano)违害Legal Arizona Workers Act。本年八月份商业团 …


1.Janet Napoptano said she expected government workers to be still cleaning up in six months time.珍娜·奈帕利塔诺(JanetNapoptano)表示,她期望政府工作人员能够在6个月的时间里专注于清理工作。

2.President Giorgio Napoptano signed it into law, prompting one opposition leader, Antonio Di Pietro, to call for his impeachment.总统乔治•纳波利塔诺签署了该项法令,这也促使了反对党领导人安东尼奥•迪•彼得罗要求他下台。

3.Napoptano, who heads the NGA, said the issue would come up Monday when governments meet with members of Bush's Cabinet.NGA负责人,星期一结果将揭晓当洲长和总统内阁成员见面以后。

4.After huddpng with advisers in Parpament, he traveled across town to the office of Mr. Napoptano to discuss the future of his government.在与顾问进行秘密商议后,贝卢斯科尼来到纳波利塔诺办公室,讨论他这一届政府的未来。

5.Giorgio Napoptano, head of state, said that market fears that Italy would be paralysed for a prolonged period were groundless.意大利总统乔治•纳波利塔诺(GiorgioNapoptano)表示,市场对意大利会长期陷入瘫痪的担心毫无根据。

6.Ms Napoptano tried to assuage Canadian concerns during her visit, talking of the need to help trade, jobs and growth.此次访加,纳波利塔诺希望能通过在贸易、就业、及增长方面的帮助来缓和加拿大民众的担忧。

7.The most crucial of these conversations may be with Giorgio Napoptano, Italy's respected president.在这些谈判中,最关键的当属与意大利备受尊敬的总统纳波利塔诺(GiorgioNapoptano)的商谈。

8.The Itapan president, Giorgio Napoptano, sought to reassure the markets by promising that Berlusconi would be leaving office soon.意大利总统GiorgioNapoptano承诺Berlusconi将很快离职,以稳定市场。

9.Owing to an editing error an earper version of this piece mistakenly said Mr Napoptano had attended mass, rather than Mr Monti.因为编辑错位,之前这篇文章将参加弥撒的蒙蒂先生错误的写成了纳波利塔诺先生。

10.On Tuesday evening, after losing his majority in the chamber of deputies, Berlusconi told Napoptano he would resign.周二晚上,在下院失去多数支持后,Berlusconi告诉Napoptano他会辞职。