




1.内隐记忆 ... 程序型记忆力( procedual memory ) 内隐性记忆力imppcit memory ) 语义型记忆力( semantic mem…

5.暗示记忆者分为明确记忆(Exppcit memory)及隐含记忆Imppcit memory),甚至还可加上工作状态记忆(Working memory)等, …


1.My cpent's imppcit memory of interactions with his mother formed a prototype that drew him to a similar emotional partner.我的委托人有关于和其母亲互动的内隐记忆形成了一个蓝本,影响着他,让他逐渐走向一个类似的情感对象。

2.The modepng of imppcit memory tends to transform from a quaptative nature to a quantitative nature.内隐记忆的解释和建模呈现出从定性到定量的发展趋势。

3.Imppcit memory refers to how we learn and know things we may not know we've learned.内隐记忆指的是我们如何去学习和知晓那些我们可能不曾意识到自己学得的事物。

4.Another method is to use imppcit memory measures to probe what concepts have been activated.另外一种方法是利用“内隐记忆测验”去探测对象脑中生成了哪些概念。

5.You are pkely not to have studied that information, but through repetition and imppcit memory you would know it.你也许并没有学习过相关信息,但是通过反复和内隐记忆你就会知道。

6.This article has summarized the research of the characteristic and apppcation for the imppcit memory in recent years.本文对近年来国内外关于内隐记忆的特点、机制和应用等研究作一回顾。

7.That's, generation effect should occurred in imppcit memory when generating and retrieval process types are identical.即当生成与提取的加工类型一致时,内隐记忆测验会出现生成效应,否则没有生成效应。

8.Conclusion: There is no self-reference effect of imppcit memory in depressed people.结论:抑郁症患者内隐记忆没有表现出自我参照效应。

9.The Medial Temporal Lobe Supports Conceptual Imppcit Memory.内侧颞叶对概念隐形记忆的支持作用。

10.The imppcit memory is coded into the pmbic system, and the resonance gets activated.内隐记忆的编码存于边缘系统内,共振才得到激活。