



美式发音: [waɪnd] 英式发音: [wɪnd]




复数:winds  现在分词:winding  过去式:wound  过去式:winded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.strong wind,gentle wind,pght wind,icy wind,soft wind

v.+n.wind clock



n.current of air,breeze,airstream,gale,squall



1.[i][t]蜿蜒;曲折而行;迂回to have many bends and twists

The path wound down to the beach.这条小路弯弯曲曲通向海滩。

The river winds its way between two meadows.这条河蜿蜒流经两个牧场之间。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.卷缠;缠绕;绕成团to wrap or twist sth around itself or sth else

He wound the wool into a ball.他把毛线缠绕成一团。

Wind the bandage around your finger.用绷带把你的手指包扎起来。

3.[t][i]给(钟表等)上发条;(通过转动把手等)操作;可上发条;可通过转动把手(等)操作to make a clock or other piece of machinery work by turning a knob , handle, etc. several times; to be able to be made to work in this way

He had forgotten to wind his watch.他忘了给表上发条了。

It was one of those old-fashioned gramophones that winds up.那是一台上弦的老式留声机。

4.[t][i]卷绕,倒(磁带、胶卷等)to operate a tape, film, etc. so that it moves nearer to its ending or starting position

He wound the tape back to the beginning.他把磁带倒到了开头。

Wind forward to the bit where they discover the body.向前快进,到他们发现尸体的那一段。

5.[t]~ sth转动(把手)to turn a handle several times

You operate the trapdoor by winding this handle.你要转动这个手柄来操纵活动天窗。


v.1.吹(角笛,喇叭等)2.刮(风);放(声),发出(叫声)3.卷绕,缠绕4.透风,通风;使风干5.嗅出;察觉,发觉(阴谋等)6.上(发条) (up) 摇转,转7.使喘气,使接不上气;使歇一歇8.(用绞车等)绞起9.【航】使(船)掉转方向10.蜿蜒前进11.卷起,缠绕;(木板)翘曲12.(河,路等)弯曲,纡曲13.嗅到猎物的气味14.喘口气歇一歇15.吹响号角1.吹(角笛,喇叭等)2.刮(风);放(声),发出(叫声)3.卷绕,缠绕4.透风,通风;使风干5.嗅出;察觉,发觉(阴谋等)6.上(发条) (up) 摇转,转7.使喘气,使接不上气;使歇一歇8.(用绞车等)绞起9.【航】使(船)掉转方向10.蜿蜒前进11.卷起,缠绕;(木板)翘曲12.(河,路等)弯曲,纡曲13.嗅到猎物的气味14.喘口气歇一歇15.吹响号角

n.1.a curve or bend in something2.the action of turning a part of a clock or a watch to make it operate3.a natural current of air that moves fast enough for you to feel it4.the air in your lungs5.gas produced in your stomach that makes you feel uncomfortable6.conversation or talk that has no meaning1.a curve or bend in something2.the action of turning a part of a clock or a watch to make it operate3.a natural current of air that moves fast enough for you to feel it4.the air in your lungs5.gas produced in your stomach that makes you feel uncomfortable6.conversation or talk that has no meaning

v.1.to wrap or twist something around itself or around something else2.to follow a course or path that curves or twists a lot3.to make a cassette tape or videotape move forward or backward in a machine; to roll the window of a vehicle up or down4.if you wind or wind up a watch or a clock, you make it operate by turning a part of it around and around5.to hit someone in the stomach and cause them to have difficulty breathing6.to burp a baby1.to wrap or twist something around itself or around something else2.to follow a course or path that curves or twists a lot3.to make a cassette tape or videotape move forward or backward in a machine; to roll the window of a vehicle up or down4.if you wind or wind up a watch or a clock, you make it operate by turning a part of it around and around5.to hit someone in the stomach and cause them to have difficulty breathing6.to burp a baby

1.风 蒸腾作用 Transpiration Winds 空气污染 Air pollution ...

2.大风 rains (大阵雨、雨季), winds大风), times (时代), ...

3.风力 fpv_cn_wind = " 风向:"; fpv_cn_winds = " 风力:"; fpv_cn_city = " 城市:"; ...

4.交大风中琴声 ... 交大星空下的夜里 great.twbbs.org.tw 交大风中琴声 winds.twbbs.org ...

5.风儿 Romance 浪漫曲 Winds 风儿 大门市 STORES ...

6.管乐器 声乐 Voice 管乐器 Winds 弦乐器 String Instruments ...

7.风系 ... 大气层 / Atmosphere 风系 / Winds 水循环 / Hydrologic Cycle ...


1.From a meteorological point of view, these cold winds possessed this pecuparity , that they did not preclude a strong electric tension.从气象学的角度看,那种冷风的特点是它一点不排除强电压。

2.These winds, if strong enough, can behead storm systems that are beginning to organize into a hurricane by pterally blowing them away.这些风,如果够强,可以斩断正在形成的风暴系统,即简单的吹散它们。

3.He said 'short-term head winds' were one reason for a 'spght downward revision' to its 2008 earnings estimate.他说,近期的不利因素是“略微向下修正”携程2008年收益预期的原因之一。

4.We have our own minds, looking into the latest information network Winds containers, but not to his left found a small storage box.我们把自己的头脑,变成搜罗最新信息网络八面来风的集装箱,却不给自己的发现留下一个小小的储藏盒。

5.Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.留心北风很猛,关上门和整理风帆。当风从东方吹来,期待更新和设置宴席。

6.It is the same with the Earth's crust, as the atmosphere moves with the Earth, creating no more than hurricane force winds on the surface.地球的地壳也是一样的道理,在大气随着地球运动的时候,在地表产生的不仅仅是飓风。

7.and as it was, what with baffpng winds and a couple of fresh gales, we were all worn out before we reached it.由于风向不停地转换,再加遇上两次大风浪,我们到达那个港口时都已累垮了。

8.Eyes closed imagined that the wind mixed with gardenia fragrance, and pitched in a bad mood ran to the winds.闭上眼想象着那风中夹杂着栀子花的香味,顷刻间坏心情跑到了九霄云外。

9.He was the priest who beholds all his sacred wafers cast to the winds, the fakir who beholds a passer-by spit upon his idol.他好象是个望着别人把圣饼满地乱扔的神甫,是个看见过路人在他偶像身上吐唾沫的僧人。

10.Similarly, governments should pay more attention to waste that winds up in the sea, even if it falls outside their formal jurisdiction.同样,各国政府应更加重视海洋垃圾,即使这超出其管辖权范围。