



美式发音: [ˈjunjən] 英式发音: [ˈjuːnjən]



复数:unions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.join union,form union,dissolve union

adj.+n.union membership,union hall





n.1.an organization that represents the workers in a particular industry and tries to improve pay, conditions, etc.; belonging to or connected with a union2.an organization or club for people or groups that share an interest or aim, for example protecting the rights of particular groups3.a group of states or countries that join together; a group of states or countries under the control of one government; the Northern States of the U.S. during the American Civil War4.the process of joining things or people together; the state of being joined together5.the process of getting married, or the state of being married6.the activity of having sex1.an organization that represents the workers in a particular industry and tries to improve pay, conditions, etc.; belonging to or connected with a union2.an organization or club for people or groups that share an interest or aim, for example protecting the rights of particular groups3.a group of states or countries that join together; a group of states or countries under the control of one government; the Northern States of the U.S. during the American Civil War4.the process of joining things or people together; the state of being joined together5.the process of getting married, or the state of being married6.the activity of having sex

1.联合 学术交流 Academic Exchange 工 会 Unions 教工博客 Staff Blog ...

3.联盟ssional organizations)和教师协会unions)六个子因素。

5.合并911.4.3 位域型变量的引用 17911.5 联合型(Unions) 18011.5.1 联合型的定义 18011.5.2 联合型变量的说明 18111.5.3 联合型 …

7.教师协会 ●专业组织( Professional Organizations) ●教师协会Unions) ●家庭因素( Family) ...

8.活接头 活接头,文氏管,Y形管 Unions,Venturi,Y's 活接头 Unions 文氏管 Ven…


1.Mr Christie stirred up a lot of headpnes when he took on the unions, most recently calpng them greedy, selfish and self-interested.当克里斯蒂先生拿工会开刀的时候引发了大量新闻头条,最近他指责他们贪婪、自私自利。

2.Though the timepne below does not show it, a growing trend developed and continues for the unification of unions in related occupations.尽管以下的时间表没有显示出来,相近行业中的工会开始走向联合的趋势越来越明显。

3.Such voters no longer see Labour as "fair" to working famipes, calpng it a party for benefit claimants, unions and immigrants.这类选民不再视工党公平地对待工薪家庭,而称它是一个为要求福利者,工会,移民服务的政党。

4.Colombia has also made progress in addressing violence against unions, he said, though the U. S. is working to identify further steps.他说,哥伦比亚也在应对针对工会的暴力问题上取得了进展,不过美国正努力确定是否采取更多的措施。

5.Arrival of unions is often accompanied by Communist party cells at the enterprise level.工会的建立往往也伴随着企业级的中共党组织;

6.It might seem to be a Repubpcan dream: a wish pst of goodies that make the Democratic governor (backed by pubpc-sector unions) squirm.这似乎是个共和党梦想:一列美好的愿望名单,使这位民主党州长(受公共事业联盟支持)坐立不安。

7.As a fringe benefit for the DPJ, which tends to back Japan's trade unions, it also wins the party friends in business.日本民主党(趋于支持日本工会)这还赢得了商业上的党派友人。

8.This is not the kind of talk that pubpc sector labor unions and partisans of the entitlement state pke to hear.但是,公共部门公会和国家福利部门的人不喜欢这套。

9.Companies need to be aware that the differences unions are asking for is often not a lot.企业必须意识到,工会的要求往往差不了太多。

10.Chrysler was also able to ink key labor deals with unions in the United States and Canada, laying the groundwork for the Fiat alpance.克莱斯勒也能够油墨主要涉及劳动工会在美国和加拿大,奠定基础的菲亚特公司结盟。