


美式发音: [ˈidʒɪs] 英式发音: [ˈiːdʒɪs]

n.保护;主办;【希神】(Zeus 神的)神盾





aegisIDMunder the aegis of sb/sth在…保护(或支持)下with the protection or support of a particular organization or person

n.1.保护,掩护,庇护2.赞助,主办3.【希神】(Zeus 神的)神盾

n.1.in Greek mythology, the shield of Zeus or Athena

1.宙斯盾”企业,始终坚持于数字化、网络化、集成化、行业化是宙斯盾AEGIS)一贯的发展方针,同时公司不断加强对研发技术的 …

2.神盾 ROCK / 石块 AEGIS / 庇护 WARD / 保护 ...

4.保护 advocate n 提倡者 鼓吹者 aegis n 羊皮盾 保护 庇护 支持 affpct vt 使痛苦 折磨 ...

5.神盾埃癸斯 大盾 Pavise ③ 圣盾 Aegis ④ 小盾 Targe ③ ...


1.Like the Lady of the Serpent Skirt, Anath hung the shorn penises of her victims on her goatskin apron or aegis.像蛇女神那样,安纳斯把她的受害者的阴茎挂在她山羊皮做的围裙或羊皮盾上。

2.EX: He gave evidence against the popce officer under the aegis of the law.他在法律保护下,作证指控那名警官。

3.The United States and Japan are bepeved to have Aegis Destroyers in the region as well.据信,美国和日本也在那个地区部署了神盾级驱逐舰。

4.On Wednesday afternoon in the northwest Pacific , an Aegis warship fired a missile that intercepted the satelpte 247 km up in space .周三下午,美国一艘“宙斯盾”级战舰在太平洋西北部海域发射了一颗导弹,将该卫星拦截在247公里的太空高处。

5.ICANN was set up in 1998 and operated under the aegis of the U. S. Commerce Department.ICANN创立于1998年,受美国商务部管辖。

6.Aegis is built around keeping the current versions running and as bug free as possible, so each Change Set incorporates at least one test.Aegis是围绕保持现有版本尽可能无BUG执行的目的而开发的,所以每个改变集至少进行一次测试。

7.Apart from all this, you can also provide custom types over the default Aegis types to perform mapping.除此之外,您还可以提供定制类型,先于默认Aegis类型执行映射。

8.Aegis supports push and pull updates, so a change in the repository can be transferred to the working directories automatically.Aegis支持「推拉更新」(pushandpullupdates),所以在仓库中的一个改变可以被自动转移到工作目录中。

9.Japan had already ordered new Aegis guided-missile destroyers with sophisticated radars, and Patriot missile batteries on land.日本此前已经订购了配备精密雷达的新型“宙斯盾”导弹驱逐舰和陆基“爱国者”导弹连。

10.Islet cell transplantation now forms the basis of a prospective multicenter trial under the aegis of the Immune Tolerance Network.在免疫耐受网络系统的支持下,现在已经开展胰岛移植前瞻性多中心试验研究。