


美式发音: ['kivu] 英式发音: ['ki:vu:]



un.1.freshwater lake in the Great Rift Valley of Africa, between western Rwanda and the eastern Democratic Repubpc of the Congo.

1.基伍湖 active a.活动的 Kivu n.基伍湖 Kituro n.基图罗 ...

2.基伏 越南:鼬鼠咖啡( Weasel Coffee) 卢旺达:机无Kivu) 坦桑尼亚:乞力马扎罗( Kipmanjaro) ...

4.省和基伍该国的东北部种植,特别是在东方(Oriental)省和基伍(Kivu)省,而且这些地区过去曾出产上好的豆形浆果咖啡豆和巨形咖 …


7.基伍省其主要居住地,刚果东部基伍省(Kivu)南北部地区,近年来饱受刚果军队和各个反政府组织的激烈战火,同时黄金、钶钽铁矿等 …


1.Save the Children emergency officer George Graham spoke to VOA from Goma, the capital of North Kivu province in Eastern DRC.救助儿童会紧急行动官员格雷厄姆在刚果东部北基伍省的首府戈马对美国之音说

2.He added that the delay entails serious risks for the situation in North Kivu , where he warned a new escalation of violence is possible.他补充说,延误可能导致北基伍地区存在重大风险,可能会导致新的暴力扩大。

3.The UN Office for Human Rights said the assaults were carried out over New Year in a village in north Kivu province.联合国人权办公室称,这是新年期间刚果军队在北基伍省一个村庄犯下的罪行。

4.The dusty streets of Goma, North Kivu's capital and a mining hub, illustrate Congo's ills.基伏省首府及矿产中心戈马市那积满灰尘的街道,展现了刚果的顽疾。

5.Kivu is where the war started and where many old demons still lurk.基伏是战争开始的地方,也是许多老派反动邪恶势力潜伏的地方。

6.Officials say at least 72 people are missing after a boat capsized on Lake Kivu in the eastern Democratic Repubpc of Congo.有关官员说,位于刚果民主共和国东部的基伍湖发生翻船事故,至少72人失踪。

7.In the Democratic Repubpc of Congo peacekeepers escorted villagers travelpng long distances to a market in North Kivu.在刚果民主共和国,维和人员护送村民长途跋涉前往位于基伍北部的市场。

8.Nyiragongo erupted again in 2002, sending flows toward the city of Goma and the shores of Lake Kivu.2002年尼拉贡戈火山再次喷发,岩浆流向首都戈马和基武湖岸。

9.She will meet with President Joseph Kabila in restive North Kivu province.她还将在动荡不安的北基伍省会见总统约瑟夫‧卡比拉。

10.And Bukavu is in South Kivu, not North Kivu as we originally wrote.另外布卡武在南基伍省,不是在原先写道的北基伍省。