

Buffalo Bill

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un.1.水牛比尔(1846-1917,美国西部拓荒时代的一名传奇性人物,真名Wilpam Cody)

1.水牛比尔史考特(Walter Scott),起初他在红艺人水牛标Buffalo Bill)的剧团中演出,离开戏班之后,史考特继续在人生舞台中发 …

7.保罗纽曼扮演的水牛比尔 ... 拿破仑( Napoleon) 保罗纽曼扮演的水牛比尔Buffalo Bill) 阿拉丁( Ala…


1.Buffalo Bill knew many Indians and he was able to convince a famous Sioux Indian named Spotted Tail and his village to join the hunt.野牛比尔认识许多印地安人,而且他也能说服一位名叫斑纹尾巴(SpottedTail)的着名苏族印地安人及他村庄内的人添加这场狩猎行动。

2.Buffalo Bill was a major contributor in the creation of the myth of the American West, as seen in Hollywood movies and television. .野牛比尔的主要贡献在于创造了美国西部神话,一如好莱坞电影及电视影集所呈现出的蛮荒景象。

3.After his trip to New York, Buffalo Bill went home to Nebraska but decided to try his hand at show business.纽约行后,野牛比尔回到位于内布拉斯加的家中并决定要添加演艺界试试。

4.The German commander asked Buffalo Bill if we would pke a couple of barrels of beer and they brought them over to us.德军司令问“水牛比尔”想不想来几桶啤酒,然后他们就搬来了几桶。

5.At first, there was a suggestion to carve famous western figures, people pke Buffalo Bill, Lewis &Clark, and Sacagawea.刚开始,人们建议将西部名人雕刻在这座山上,如:野牛比尔、路易斯和克拉克,及萨卡加维亚。

6.These stories made Buffalo Bill famous in the East and when he went to New York for a visit, he saw a play based on his adventures.这些故事使得野牛比尔闻名东部,因而当他造访纽约时,他看到以他的冒险经验为蓝本的一出戏。

7.Buffalo Bill also had lots of wild animals in the show, including buffalo, elk, deer, bear, and moose.野牛比尔的秀也包括了许许多多的野生动物,如:水牛、麋、鹿、熊及北美麋;

8.Although some critics thought the show was ridiculous, Buffalo Bill was praised because his acting was based on genuine experience.虽然有些戏评认为这场秀很可笑,但野牛比尔却受到赞赏,因为他的演出是根据自身的真实经验;

9.Today, the Buffalo Bill Rodeo and Nebraskaland Days is the modern-day version of Buffalo Bill's Wild West show.时至今日,野牛比尔马术竞赛会及内布拉斯加日都是现代版本的野牛比尔的西大荒演出。

10.When Buffalo Bill's Wild West show came to town, it was a big deal.当野牛比尔的西大荒剧来到镇上演出,造成了大轰动。