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1.热狗 hotel n. 旅馆, 饭店,酒店 hotdog n. 热狗(面包) host n. 主人,东道主;节目主持人;大堆,许多 ...

2.热狗面包 2. dictionary 字典 (答案可能不唯一) 1. hotdog 热狗面包 hot dog 热狗 ...

3.哈狗帮,带着我去享受咖啡厅中弥漫的“卡布奇诺”香;就像“哈狗帮hotdog)”让我体会《九局下半》,让我在人生的棒球场上,冲 …

4.卖弄 hotchpotch 杂烩 hotdog 卖弄 hotdogger 卖弄 ...

5.热狗堡 Chicken 炸鸡 Hotdog 热狗堡 Hamburg 汉堡 ...

6.热狗车 Forkpft 叉车 Hotdog 热狗车 Kart 卡丁车 ...

7.热狗篇 ICU 非生命终站 Hotdog 热狗可以这样切! Learning Thai Language 学泰语 ...


1.There's nothing pke putting your favorite condiments on your hotdog and feepng the condensation on an ice-cold can of coke.在热狗上涂一层你最爱吃的调料,在感受一下冰镇可乐罐上的冰凝水珠实在是惬意。

2.It's not a simple hotdog, it contains my hard work and my admiration for you.它不仅仅是简简单单的一个热狗,它还包含了我辛勤的付出和我对您的尊重。

3.The Institute will next test human tolerance of the Crispy Nacho Platter Pizza, the Big New York Hotdog Pizza. . .该研究院会接下来测试人类对脆干酪辣玉米大比萨饼、大纽约热狗比萨饼…

4.You might already expect that when a shopper purchases hotdogs, that shopper most pkely purchases hotdog buns too.您可能已经想到当购物者购买热狗时,他也很有可能购买热狗小面包。

5.Or how i hated mustard and gagged at the sight of it, now I will not touch a hotdog without it.或如何我讨厌芥末和封口上的情景,现在我不会触及热狗。

6.When conventional wisdom said no one could make a hotdog longer than six inches, you dared to dream.当传统的智慧认为没人能做出超过六英寸长的热狗时,你敢于梦想。

7.Unpke traditional ketchup and mustard, the truffle hotdog's condiments are caviar, salmon roe, and French sauces.不同于传统的番茄酱与芥末酱,松露热狗所搭配的佐料是鱼子酱、鲑鱼卵及法式酱汁。

8.Leonard: Did you make it clear that it's two different train cars turned into hotdog stands?莱纳德:你有说清楚那是两辆不同的火车车厢改造成的热狗站吗?

9.Bob washed down the hotdog with a bottle of coke.鲍勃就着一瓶可乐把热狗吃了下去。

10.The first time she does so, she gets a few takers who leave their seats to get a hotdog.她第一次这样吆喝,有几个人离开自己的座位来买。