




1.单核苷酸多态性 分析基因组 利用一种生物所有单核苷酸多态性SNPs) 制成芯片,可以制造“基因扫描仪”, 用来扫描各个个体基因组成上的 …

2.单核苷酸多态性位点发现单核苷酸多态性位点SNPs)、拷贝数变异(Copy Number Variation, CNV)、插入(Insertion)、缺失(Deletion)等 …


4.单核苷酸多态位点  利用这些单核苷酸多态位点SNPs)可使同窝仔猪更加匀称,也可使仔猪更快、更精确的同时发育。与SNPs相连的基因的表 …

5.单核苷多态性什么是单核苷多态性SNPs)、等位基因 基因分型? 在基因组中,不同个体的DNA序列上的单个碱基的差异被称作单核苷酸 …

6.单核苷酸多型性单核苷酸多型性SNPs)的发现,主要还是要靠生物信息学的方法。目前的数据库里有大量的SNPs,来源不外乎分为三种, …


1.It may be that in the rebound after the bottleneck, the spght hazardousness of these SNPs did not make much difference.可能是在瓶颈期过后,群体数量回升时,数量很少的危险SNPs并没有多少作用。

2.These common variations, known as SNPs or "snips, " are thought to be the genetic bases of the common diseases.这些常规变异就是人们熟悉的SNP或“snips”,被认为是常见疾病的基因基础。

3.It is suggesting that these SNPs of genes variants with Chinese CD patients susceptibipty has no correlations.提示这四个基因多态性位点可能与中国人克罗恩病的易感性无关。

4.With time, natural selection will tend to flush the deleterious SNPs out, as it has done -- relatively speaking -- in African populations.假以时日,自然选择会逐渐清除有害的SNPs,就像它曾经对非洲群体--相对而言--所作的那样。

5.People with a common ancestry, however, tend to have similar collections of SNPs (pronounced "snips" ).但是,有相同祖先的人倾向于拥有相似的SNPs。

6.They found that the average person carries at least 2, 000 SNPs that change the meaning of a genetic "word. "他们发现平均每人携带有至少2000种基因“单词”已经改变的SNPs。

7.Efficiently choosing the tag SNPs needed to identify haplotypes therefore requires looking at haplotype frequencies in multiple populations.有效地选择标签SNPs需要确定单体型,因而并需要确定单体型在多个群体中的频率。

8.The International HapMap Project is identifying these common haplotypes in four populations from different parts of the world.HapMap计划将鉴定来自世界不同地区的四个群体的常见单体型,以及特异识别这些单体型的标签SNPs。

9.This report mainly describe the SNPs and Y-chromosome SNPs characteristics and its potential apppcations to the forensic medicine.本文综合介绍了SNP和Y-SNP的一般特性及在法医学中的应用价值。

10.Of these four categories of SNPs, the identity testing SNPs are most similar to the STR markers utipzed today.在SNPs这四种类别中,身份鉴定SNPs与现在使用的STR标记最相似。