




1.靓诺 吾吉 Entra 靓诺 L.N 绮芳 SILK KING ...

2.编号 ... 卓天悦 LiLy TianYue Zhuo 编号 L.N 毕司婷 Stephanie Bi ...


1.One of the mysteries of this process is that h- managed to stay before w long after it was shed before l, n, and r.在此过程中的一个奥秘是字母h-在字母l,n和r前脱落很长时间后,仍尽可能地留在字母w前。

2.At Livermore, L. L. N. S. took a hard pne with the retirees almost from the beginning.在利弗莫尔,L.L.N.S从开始对于退休人员态度就很强硬。

3.Health coverage comparable to what the university provided was not available there once L. L. N. S. took over.健康保险和L.L.N.S留给大学所提供的没法相比。

4.L. N. Tolstoy at the time of the writing of Anna Karenina. Moscow, 1876. Photo by Sokolnikov.写作《安娜卡列尼娜》时的托尔斯泰,莫斯科,1876年。

5.In 2009, L. L. N. S. claimed the right to discontinue benefits at any time.2009年,劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家安全公司宣称随时有权利停止福利。

6.Acording to the main cpnical manifestations and the laboratory results, these 4 cases were typical ones of M. L. N. S.根据该4例的主要临床表现及实验室检查结果,均符合典型的皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征。

7.The equivalence relation defined by the (transitive closure of the) set of imposed constraints imppes N L = N L实施的约束集合(的传递封包)所定义的等价关系表明:NL=NL

8.Separation of propranolol enantiomers by extraction with L-n-octyl tartrateL-酒石酸辛酯萃取拆分普萘洛尔对映体

9.schedule 3shall have effect for the purpose of regulating appeals to the tribunal. (l. n. 137 of 1994)向审裁处提出的上诉,须受附表3规限。(1994年第137号法律公告)

10.Provided that no penalty imposed under this paragraph shall exceed $10000. (L. N. 260 of 1983)但根据本款施加的罚款不得超过$10000。(1983年第260号法律公告)