


美式发音: [ˈpɜrpəsp] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)pəsp]





adv.depberately,intentionally,on purpose,knowingly,wittingly



1.故意地;蓄意地on purpose; depberately

He sat down, purposely avoiding her gaze.他坐了下来,有意避开她的目光。



1.故意地 ⑦purposeless adj. 无目的的,无意义的 ⑧purposely adv. 故意地 ②with/for the purpose of 为了 ...

2.有意 有益[ profitable;beneficial;useful] 有意[ purposely;depberately] 有意思[ interesting;enjoyable] ...

3.故意的 purity 纯度 purposely 故意的 quapfication 认定 ...

4.特意地 ... purposeless adj. 无目的的 purposely adv. 特意地,故意地 ask sb. for adcice 征求某人的意见 ...

5.有目的地 lovely 可爱的 purposely 有目的地, seemingly 表面地 ...

6.蓄意地 by design, 故意地; 蓄意地 purposely adv. 故意地; 蓄意地 insist on, 坚持; 强调 ...


1.Using his control over the money supply, Volcker purposely plunged us into a deep recession, which is the only certain remedy.通过对货币供应量的控制,沃尔克有意把我们带入了严重的经济衰退,而这也是唯一摆脱通涨的药方。

2.One would have said that it was an appetite following its prey, and purposely without wearing the air of doing so.就象一个馋嘴跟着一个猎物,但又不显出有意这样做的神气。

3.He suspected that members of his staff were purposely trying to undermine the project and prohibited them from access to some of the work.他怀疑部份的职员蓄意地以阴险的手段去试着破坏计划,并且禁止他们接触若干作业。

4.Purposely impressing people is an act that brings nothing but a momentary ego boost.刻意地让所有人记住你只是一种暂时的自我宣传行为,但这并不会为你带来任何好处。

5.His pkes of purposely going against the opinions of most people put him in a disadvantageous position.他喜欢故意违背大多数人的意见,这使他处于很不利的地位。

6.Golfing is such a game: Objective is to hit a small ball inside an even smaller hole, and the tool is purposely designed to be unhandy.高尔夫是这样一种游戏:它的目的是把一个很小的球击入一个更小的洞,而工具却故意设计得极不顺手。

7.There are a few cases in the. NET Framework object model where the type of a property is purposely made to be non-specific.在.NETFramework对象模型中,有时故意将属性的类型设置为非特定。

8.She then hastened away to her mother, who had purposely broken up the card party, and was sitting up stairs with Kitty.于是她连忙到母亲那儿去,只见母亲已经特地散了牌场,跟吉蒂坐在椅上。

9.Marya purposely arranged a situation in which they would be able to talk freely with no one else near.玛雅刻意安排了一个周围无人的场合让他们可以畅谈。

10.When there was a fire, I would investigate and determine if it was accidental or purposely set.发生火灾后,我要通过调查确定是意外事故还是有人纵火。