




1.不禁黯然落泪当她说到自己身为高官,需要支持政府推行国民教育的政策,民望因而大大受挫时,不禁黯然落泪shedding tears)。我的一 …


1.She felt a tingle in her eyes and could hardly keep from shedding tears.她觉得两眼发酸,泪水止不住流了下来。

2.For what has it been raining all day today? shedding tears for the upcoming departure? or holding me up a couple more days?为什么今天一整天都在下雨?是为我即将到来的出发流泪吗?还是想再多挽留我几天?

3.Unable to forget that they would soon part ways after spending so much time together, the members could not stop shedding tears.一想起她们在相处这么长时间后即将要分开的事实,想到这里成员们的眼泪就止不住的往下掉。

4.I wouldn't be one of those people standing amidst the rubble of my home shedding tears over lost material goods.我不会成为那些伫立在已经成为瓦砾的家门前因为丧失财产而伤心落泪的人中的一员。

5.wrote finally forgive you, but from today onwards, I am not sorry for you, shedding tears for you. all about you I do not care about.说最后原谅你,但是从今天开始,我不是同情你,为你流泪脱落。所有关于你,我不关心。

6.Under such a condition (circumstances), we couldn't help shedding tears of sympathy.在这种情况下,我们不禁洒下了同情之泪。

7.The picture spread rapidly across the net. Many say the animal is shedding tears, because the water world it's grown up in is shrinking.这张照片在网上迅速传播开来。许多人说,动物流眼泪是因为他们长大的水环境正在缩减。

8.I am busy shedding tears at the news of a miraculous rescue of six students from the wreckage of a university building.忙着为六个学生奇迹般地被从一栋大学楼房废墟中救出来的消息而感动得落泪;

9.I cannot read the book without shedding tears.我一读这本书就感动的流泪。

10.When any one felt sad, he would say, "There is no point in shedding tears. "当任何人感到沮丧时,他会说:“没有必要流眼泪。”