




1.电子烟.去google(股 …

6.美国求购香烟[V161485] 美国求购香烟(e-Cigarette) (3-23)[V139539] 土耳其求购香烟(E-Cigaret) (8-12) 页码: abcdefghij klmnopq rstuv w xy z


1.Electronic Cigarette, also Known as an E-Cigarette. is battery powered device that resemble the shape and feel of an actual cigarette.电子香烟也叫电子烟,它是一种电池装置,它的形状和抽烟时的感觉跟实际的烟很相似。

2."In Bahrain, thee e-cigarette is available on prescription but we are trying to push for total ban, " she added.她补充说:“在巴林,电子卷烟可根据处方买到,但我们在设法推动彻底的禁令。”

3.I quit over a year ago, after smoking for 35 years, using an "e-cigarette. "我有35年的烟龄,改吸电子烟后,我戒烟一年多了。

4.This may be one reason why the battle. . . between the FDA and e-cigarette manufacturers has been so heated.这可能是FDA和电子香烟制造商之间的官司为什么如此白热化的原因之一。

5.E-cigarette, short for electronic cigarette, is a reusable electronic nicotine depvery device.E-烟(电子香烟的缩写)是一种可重复使用的电子尼古丁释放器。

6.E cigarette packet shall not fpp.E小包内烟支不得倒装。

7.The image shows e-cigarette fluid leaking out of a cartridge, making it difficult to handle without touching the nicotine solution图中所示,电子烟的液体从烟弹中泄露,很难在不接触这些尼古丁溶液的情况下对其进行处理。