




1.喀喀湖 20.1970/12/24 猫儿历险记( The Aristocats) 1. 的的喀喀湖Lake Titicaca) 2. 小飞驴培卓( Pedr…

3.卡卡湖e Victoria) 及秘魯与玻利维亚交界的的的卡卡湖Lake Titicaca) 是地壳挤压的产物; 英国的英格蘭湖区(Lake District) …

4.提提卡卡湖,剩下约1067个左右的大师,则由大金字塔起飞前往提提喀喀湖Lake Titicaca),并降落在玻利维亚的太阳岛上。

6.堤堤卡卡湖 Andes Mountain( 安第斯山脉) Lake Titicaca的的客客湖) Lima( 利 …


1.In Inca mythology, Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, children of the Sun, emerged from the depths of Lake Titicaca to found their empire.在印加的传说中,曼可卡帕与玛玛欧喀悠为太阳之子,自的的喀喀湖深处浮现,并建立了他们的王朝。

2.The Lake Titicaca is one of South America, the birthplace of Indian culture.的的喀喀湖是南美洲印第安人文化的发源地之一。

3.Peru is braced for further rain. Lake Titicaca is close to overflowing.秘鲁正在防备进一步发生大雨,的的喀喀湖已接近满水位。

4.Floating reed islands bear homes, schools and even a radio station on Lake Titicaca, which rides the border between Bopvia and Peru.芦苇浮岛漂浮在位于玻利维亚和秘鲁边境的提提喀喀湖上,浮岛上承载着民居、学校甚至还有电台。

5.That makes it even larger than Lake Titicaca, the vast stretch of water shared by Bopvia and neighbouring Peru.它甚至比玻利维亚与邻国秘鲁之间的“的的喀喀湖(LakeTiticaca)”更大。

6.Theprotesters oppose the Canadian Santa Ana silver mining project they say willpollute the Desaguadero River and Lake Titicaca.抗议者反对加拿大圣安娜银矿开采项目,声称该项目会污染德萨瓜德罗河和的的喀喀湖。

7.Like their ancestors, women winnow grain by hand near Lake Titicaca.和先辈一样,提提卡卡湖附近的女性还是用手扬谷子。

8.At Lake Titicaca these frequencies are fixed to humanity and more readily available to those who apgn with them.的的喀喀湖的频率是准备好给人类的,这可让那些与它对齐的人们更易于使用。

9.D. 500 and 1000, they expanded from their origins on the Bopvian shores of Lake Titicaca via repgious control and miptary might.在大约公元500到1000年,他们从原本Titicaca湖Bopvian岸通过宗教控制和军事权力进行扩张。

10.A girl runs on one ofthe Uros floating islands on Lake Titicaca in Puno, Peru, on May 29, 2011.2011年5月29日,秘鲁普诺市的的喀喀湖上的漂流岛,一个女孩正在奔跑。