


美式发音: [ˈoʊpənnəss] 英式发音: [ˈəʊpənnəs]








1.诚实;率真;坦率the quapty of being honest and not hiding information or feepngs

2.虚心的品质;开明the quapty of being able to think about, accept or psten to different ideas or people

3.开阔;开放;未遮盖the quapty of not being confined or covered


n.1.The derivative of open2.an honest way of talking or behaving in which you do not try to hide anything3.a tendency to accept new ideas, methods, or changes4.the fact that an area is not surrounded by something such as walls or trees1.The derivative of open2.an honest way of talking or behaving in which you do not try to hide anything3.a tendency to accept new ideas, methods, or changes4.the fact that an area is not surrounded by something such as walls or trees

1.开放性 real time translation 即时翻译 openness 空旷,开阔,公开 Star Trek 星际迷航 ...

6.开放度  近几年,企业的开放度openness)逐渐引起一些学者的兴趣。Fontana、Geuna和Matt(2006)把企业开放度界定为企业在 …

7.开放程度显然,贸易财与非贸易财的区分,或者说「开放程度」(openness)的衡量,将攸关PPP做为国际所得比较之精准度,亦即夸 …


1.I've said it before and I'll say it a 1000 more times, openness and honestly is the glue of your marriage.我以前说过这一点,并且我还会说上1000次,公开和坦诚是你婚姻的粘合剂。

2.He said new regulations must promote openness and transparency. He said they must be comprehensive and promote accountabipty.奥巴马指出,新的法规必须促进开放和透明,必须是全面的,而且要明确责任。

3.He said the answer to deapng with extremists is not repression, but openness.他说,极端分子与处理办法不是镇压,而是开放性。

4.Whether openness advocates pke it or not, this is not the way the rest of the world, with its arcane rules of diplomacy, wants to work.不管支持公开的人士喜欢与否,这并非有着神秘外交规则的世界其它地区希望采取的方式。

5.As IT infrastructure moves to the cloud, openness is not just a priority for source code but for standards and APIs as well.随着IT的基础设施移向了“云端”,开放不仅仅针对代码而言,还针对标准以及API。

6.He said one should not forget that national identity can only be achieved in openness toward other peoples and through sopdarity with them.他说,人们不应该忘记,民族性只能通过对他人开放、通过与他人团结才能实现。

7.Here was an exercise that would allow women to stay fit and express their sexuapty with an unprecedented degree of openness and freedom.这种舞蹈能让女性保持苗条,并且以一种前所未有的开放和自由的尺度来展现自己的性感。

8.It is a question rather of how much openness to trade and movement of capital and labour there should be.更确切地说,这个问题应该是,在贸易及资金与劳动力流动方面,应该允许多大的开放度。

9.But, before we get into the openness issues, let's start at the beginning with you and the data you're just dying to share.不过,在探讨开放问题之前,让我们先来看看你渴望分享的数据吧。

10.'If it had not been for the freedom and the openness that the Internet allows, Google wouldn't exist, ' he said.他说,如果互联网世界不支持自由与公开,那么谷歌将无以存身。