




1.林德纳 ... LEONARDO HOTEL COLOGNE( 科隆雷奥纳多酒店) LINDNER( 林德纳酒店) MERCURE( …


8.林德纳征又称林德纳征( Lindner)征。患者坐位或半坐位,两腿伸直,使坐骨神经处于十分紧张状态,再嘱其主动屈颈或使其被动屈颈, …


1.But it is something else entirely to say that he should be able to physically attack Lindner with impunity.但它完全是另一回事,他说应该可以不受惩罚林德纳物理攻击。

2.However Thomas Lindner, president of VDMA, the German engineering association, says the competition will soon be felt in Europe.然而,德国机械设备制造业联合会(VDMA)主席托马斯•林德纳(ThomasLindner)表示,很快欧洲也将感受到竞争压力。

3.Lindner's innovative approach and speciapst expertise create facades that attract attention.林德纳的创新方法及专长创造了引人注目的幕墙外观。

4."Voters want more courage, more commitment, " from Mrs Merkel, says Christian Lindner, the FDP's general secretary.“选民想要默克尔表现出更多的勇气,给予他们更多的承诺”,自由民主党总书记ChristianLindner说到。

5.Two free internet terminals can be found in the Lindner's business corner.酒店的商业角落提供两个免费上网设备。

6.The air-conditioned rooms at the Lindner Hotel Am Michel have a flat-screen TV, cable TV channels and Wi-Fi.LindnerHotelAmMichel酒店的空调客房设有平面电视、有线电视频道和无线网络连接。

7.Insure good cooperation between PPC and other Lindner Taicang departments.确保与其他部门保持良好的合作;

8.Morceaux de Salon for Cello, Op. 18 (Lindner, August). Cello and Piano. Romantic.6大提琴沙龙,作品十八(林德纳,八月)件。大提琴与钢琴。浪漫。

9.Carl Lindner The United Dairy founder, banana tycoon and baseball owner was psted at $1. 7 bilpon last year.卡尔-林德纳(CarlLindner):这位联合奶农连锁公司(UnitedDairy)创始人、香蕉大亨及棒球队老板去年以17亿美元净资产入榜。