




1.早起一些 需要帮助( in need of help) 早起一些wake up earper ) 需要帮助( need some help ) ...

2.早点起床 ... I need to wash my hands. 我需要去洗手。 Wake up earper. 早点起床。 I’m trying to change. 我正试着改变. ...


1.Sleep later than I, wake up earper. Remember shaving before going to bed.睡得比我迟一点,醒来早一点。睡前记得剃须。

2.Morning Boost - If you know you have a few days with mountains of work ahead, sleep a bit earper and wake up earper.如果你预先知道随后几天你的工作负荷堆积如山,那么就早睡早起。

3.Set your alarm to wake up earper. Plan your route to avoid as much of the morning traffic rush as possible.将你的闹钟设置的时间稍微提前一点,计划好你的路线,尽可能避免早上塞车。

4.I know that if I wake up earper, I can have more time to work on important projects.我知道,如果我能够早点起床的话,我就会有更多的时间用于重要的事情上。

5.I need to wake up earper to search some finance books for my reading.我只是想明天早点起来去借基本关于金融学的书来看看。

6.However, there is a psychological advantage when you wake up earper than the average person.但是,如果你比普通人早起一会儿,在心理上是有好处的。

7.'Older people tend to wake up earper, ' he says.“年纪大的人往往早起,”他说。

8.Teenagers wake up earper in NY.在纽约,孩子们醒来的时间会提前。

9.I can do that too. I'll just wake up earper in the morning.我也可以这么做,我只要早上早点起床就行了。

10.If you have somewhere to be at 8: 30am, plan accordingly. Set your alarm to wake up earper.如果你明早8点半有地方要去,那么前天晚上就要做相应的安排。