


网络释义:尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物;进步联盟(the United Progressive Alpance);乌巴


1.尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物歧,DS2和日本松下已经退出了联盟,分别发起成立了UPA(Universal PowerLine Association)和日本消费电子电力线通信联 …


1.While we deeply admire the UPA's commitment to the poor, we are repelled by its inabipty to understand our state's pmitations.虽然我们对UPA对穷人的承诺深感敬佩,但它的无能使我们对政府的局限性有了深入了解。

2.When Polonius said in Hamlet, 'to thine own self be true', he was not thinking of Part I of the UPA government's forthcoming Budget.当波洛尼厄斯在《哈姆雷特》中说:“对自己要真诚”时,他对UPA(联合进步联盟)政府即将公布的财政预算案的第一部分还一无所知。

3.Despite the cheer, the UPA doesn't have much to show for itself so far on the reform front, mainly because of pressure from leftist parties.尽管市场欢欣鼓舞,但联合进步联盟目前为止在改革方面还没有什么表现,这主要是因为左派政党的阻挠。

4.The very controversial Unique Particle Attribution (UPA) rule makes it difficult to use optional wildcards.争议很大的惟一粒子属性(UniqueParticleAttribution,UPA)规则不允许使用可选的通配符。

5.Hainan International Tourism Island to upa national strategy is starting formally.海南国际旅游岛建设上升为国家战略正式启动。

6.More M1D boxes cover front fill, and a delay ring of 12 UPA-1P loudspeakers completes the system.前场的覆盖也是M1D线阵列,还有分别加了延时处理的一圈12只UPA-1P扬声器来完成此系统。

7.When you want to build upa campfire, barbecue or log fireman fireplace, you need to add fuel to make it bigger.当你想弄一个篝火晚会,烧烤野餐或者在壁炉里放柴禾生火的时候,你需要加燃料使它烧得更旺。

8.Jimmy started his career in 1956 at UPA Burbank Studios working on the Columbia theatrical shorts.吉米的职业生涯始于1956年UPA伯班克工作室,在那里他致力于哥伦比亚短剧。

9.The UPA government would do well to remember Polonius advice and be true to our nation's character.UPA政府会铭记波洛尼厄斯的忠告,展现我们民族性格真实的一面。

10.Consider your own motive: Are you looking upa patient out of curiosity or do you havea clear therapeutic purpose?考虑自己的搜索动机:是出于对患者的好奇,还是带着明确的治疗目标。