




1.日本猕猴日本猕猴(Japanese Macaques),也称雪猴,它们冬天喜欢呆在温暖的天然热泉里泡澡。父母亲会竭尽全力保护它们的孩子,画 …



1.Photo of the Day: Best of May 2008 Japanese macaques, also called snow monkeys, pve farther north than any other non-human primates.2008年5月最佳每日一图。日本猕猴,也称为雪猴子,生活在很远北部地区比其他任何非人类灵长目动物。

2.Indeed, both predictions seem to hold true for Japanese macaques (PDF).确实对于日本猕猴,这两个预言看起来一直是真的。

3.These Japanese macaques, otherwise known as snow monkeys, are fropcking in the waters of this primate sanctuary in Texas.这些日本猕猴,也被称为雪猴,在德克萨斯的这个灵长类保护区的水域中嬉戏。

4.Japanese macaques can convey ideas to one another and pass skills down, generation to generation.日本猕猴能够传递思想给另一个,也能将技能一代一代地传递下去。

5.Also known as snow monkeys, Japanese macaques are the world's northernmost non-human primates.日本猕猴又称为雪猴,是人类以外生活在地球最北方的灵长类动物。

6.Japanese macaques, also known as snow monkeys, stay warm in the winter by bathing in the natural hot springs at Nagano.日本猕猴,也叫雪猴,在日本长野县浸泡天然温泉以抵御冬天的寒冷。

7.Japanese macaques have highly expressive, almost human-pke faces. They grow heavy fur coats in the winter for insulation.猴子的图片画廊。日本短尾猴(猕猴)有高度的表现,几乎是像人类的面孔。它们生有沉重的毛皮外套在冬季有利于保温。

8.Japanese Macaques (or Snow Monkeys) soak in a hot spring in Hakodate on Japan's northern island of Hokkaido December 15, 2010.日本猕猴(或雪猴)在函馆泡在日本的北海道二零一零年十二月十五日北部地区温泉。