

thrive:[英 [θraɪv] 美 [θraɪv] ]


过去式:thrived;   过去分词:thrived;   现在分词:thriving;

thrive 基本解释

不及物动词茁壮成长; 兴盛,兴隆; 长得健壮

thrive 同义词


thrive 反义词



thrive 相关例句


1. A business can not thrive without good management.


2. Rice thrives in this hot weather.


3. He thrived on the adulation of his henchmen.


4. thrive

4. The real estate business is thriving.


5. Babies thrive on their mother's milk.


thrive 网络解释

1. 兴旺:兴旺,繁荣 (drive)开车(drive)的人越多,经济越繁荣越兴旺(thrive)4.simmer:v. 用火烧,炖 (summer)夏天(summer)天气热得像火烧(simmer)一样溺水(drown)难受,直皱眉(frown)头脸上有了棕色(brown) ,

2. 茂盛;兴旺;繁荣:18.scheme 计划;设计;图谋 | 19.thrive 茂盛;兴旺;繁荣 | 20.undervalue 低估价值;看轻

3. 繁荣;兴旺:Algae: 海藻 | Thrive: 繁荣;兴旺 | Bio-kerosene: 生物煤油

thrive 双语例句

1. thrive在线翻译

1. We believe that human beings thrive best when we are at one with nature.


2. Let its fruit flourish like Lebanon; let it thrive like the grass of the field.


3. Let grain abound throughout the land; on the tops of the hills may it sway. Let its fruit flourish like Lebanon; let it thrive like the grass of the field.


4. I thrive on it, in moderation, of course.


5. Among C4 plants, however, special leaf anatomy and a unique biochemical pathway enable the plant to thrive in arid conditions.



6. Among C4 plants, however, special leaf anatomy and a unique biochemical pathway enable the plant to thrive in and conditions.


7. thrive

7. Flower of coquettish bright red Jin is so beautiful, but it not enervated, having tough vitality, in appropriate soil, sunshine, moisture and fertilizer assist next thrive.


8. thrive的翻译

8. The pumpkin is the only esculent of the orange family that will thrive in the North.


9. Each autumn狝choose only one of the more than ten Wai hunting, the remaining number of Wai is a chance to recuperate, so that wild animals and plants thrive and recovery; third, but hunting is not indiscriminate hunting.


10. thrive的解释

10. Levisporus can be well thrive attemperature between 45 and 50℃, cellulases from it have reported to keephigher activity and thermostibility The second part of the study mainlydiscussed the purification and characterization of endocllulase. and β-glucosidase from Thermoascus aurantiacus var. levisporus.

粗酶液依次经硫酸铵分级沉淀、DEAE-Sepharose 阴离子层析、Pheny1-Sepharose 疏水层析、SephacrylS-100 分子筛层析等步骤获得凝胶电泳谱带均一的内切β-葡聚糖酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶。

11. One of the earliest dissertations on the subject of tourism is Boorstins analysis of the'pseudo event'(1964) where he argues that contemporary Americans cannot experience'reality'directly but thrive on'pseudo-events'.



12. Life is still alive, does not possess a certain wealth, is a pile of stinking dog feces, friends, loved ones will be at arm's length, and scoff; people heap of both rich gas increasingly rich, money worship and become enveloped in the people's soul get rid of the devil Phantom of the Opera; thief, prostitutes, beggars, bandits, as well as on the lips touch the lower lip vernacular vernacular mouth to eat something for nothing official of the Yuan Emperor Kublai Khan of rice and other so-called national civil servants, although their interpretation of the role of different life, but it is difficult to break away from the survival of malignant The hidden rules of the ugly cycle of subtle social chain; Where there are reasonable pronouncements, there are indeed fertile ground for it to thrive.


13. A business can not thrive without good mananger?



14. In this seminal article, the authors investigate how it is that some firms make technological changes and thrive, and others do not and perish.



15. I also thrive in a fast-changing environment where there's business growth.


16. thrive

16. To see the trees and other green sprouts of new grass vomit green shoots emerge only know that the spring do not come, winter is brewing in the earth is covered in the rest, to wait until spring when they awake thrive.


17. But the followers of Hitler|abound and thrive.


18. I think, most importantly, for the fellows'friendship tree to survive and thrive, it needs tender regards and a warm sunshine and a right temperature. This friendship does not happen by chance, but it develops by mutual helps over a long time.



19. I think, most importantly, for the fellows'friendship tree to survive and thrive, it needs tender regards and warm sunshine and a right temperature. This friendship does not come across by chance, but it develops by mutual helps over a long time.


20. The seals here thrive on a diet of fish and squid.


thrive 词典解释

1. 欣欣向荣;茁壮成长;兴旺发达

If someone or something thrives, they do well and are successful, healthy, or strong.

e.g. Today his company continues to thrive...


e.g. Lavender thrives in poor soil.


2. (尤指在别人觉得困难的时候)以…为乐,可以出色应对

If you say that someone thrives on a particular situation, you mean that they enjoy it or that they can deal with it very well, especially when other people find it unpleasant or difficult.

e.g. Many people thrive on a stressful lifestyle...


e.g. Creative people are usually very determined and thrive on overcoming obstacles.


thrive 单语例句

1. As the ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius put it, a nation can " thrive in calamity but perish in ease and pleasure ".

2. History has proved again and again that new trends would always survive and thrive no matter how circuitous the process is.

3. The cities that cleverly emphasize efficient public transport and are friendly to bikes will be the cities that thrive in the future.

4. Google Earth users can click icons on sea maps to see video of creatures that thrive in those locations.

5. Li said she is worried the expensive trees won't thrive in Foshan's soil and climate.

6. The society has adapted a vineyard seed drill to plant the seeds, which thrive at a depth of about 4 cm.

7. " Commercialization is necessary if this place is to thrive, " Zhong says.

8. That human minds thrive on aesthetics is a curse when trying to comprehend new surroundings.

9. UNICEF works in more than 150 countries and territories to help children survive and thrive from early childhood to adolescence.

10. She emphasizes that copyright violators have continued to thrive simply because enforcement is still relatively lax and the penalties are not strict enough.

thrive 英英释义


1. grow vigorously

e.g. The deer population in this town is thriving

business is booming

Synonym: boomflourishexpand

2. make steady progress

be at the high point in one's career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance

e.g. The new student is thriving

Synonym: prosperfly highflourish