

coherence:[英 [kəʊˈhɪərəns] 美 [koʊˈhɪrəns] ]


coherence 基本解释

名词相干性; 一致性; 凝聚; 联接

coherence 网络解释

1. coherence

1. 相干性:美国科学家根据最新的计算结果指出,等离子光学(plasmonics)能在纳米尺度下传导与操纵光波,并可产生可控制相干性(coherence)与极化性(polarization)的纳米级光源.

2. 相干:图3 糖尿病黄斑水肿和光学相干(coherence)断层成像. 生长激素活性的抑制剂 曾有一个全垂体功能减退症的女性病人出现增生期糖尿病视网膜病变的自然消退76,这使人们对应用垂体消融术作为治疗危及视力的视网膜病变产生了极大的兴趣.

coherence 双语例句

1. Correlation of optical coherence tomography, with or without additional colou...


2. coherence什么意思

2. The beam quality factor of partially coherent ChG beams decreases with increasing spatially coherence and decreasing decentered parameter.


3. Charge and energy transfer; Electron-hole coherence; Indoline dyes; Metal-free for dyesensitized solar cells


4. Presuppositions are used not only to create coherence and economy of discourse, but are also an effective way to indicate writer`s views and values as well as manipulate readers.


5. By virtue of numerical and analytical method, we got the following results. With the increasing of patch temperature, it is found that (1) the mean open rate of sodium and potassium channels of the HH neuron are decreased, and the mean duration of spikes of membrane potential is also decreased, which are qualitatively consistent with previous experimental results of single ion channel.(2) Under moderate patch size, the mean inter-spike interval of membrane potential first decreases, reach a minimum, and then increases with the increasing of patch temperature.(3) By defining a measure parameterβ, we show that there is a maximal region for the measureβin the patch temperature and patch size parameter plane where the coherence resonance phenomena are very remarkable, and the characteristic time of the output also confirm our result.


6. coherence什么意思

6. By defining a measure parameter B, we show that there is a maximal region for the measure B in the patch temperature and patch size parameter plane where the coherence resonance phenomena are very remarkable, and the characteristic time of the output also confirm our result.

通过定义圆硕士学位论文人工入Sr〔R`ST卜1厂5 15一个测量参数口,我们显示了在膜面积和温度的参数平面上,口的取值有一个最大的区域,对应系统的相干共振。我们用特征相关时间进一步来验证,得到了相同的结论。


7. As the light ray tracing method can not give the actual intensity distribution of interference field when spatial coherence and temporal coherence of excimer laser are taken into account, electromagnetic theory is used for the detail description of the near interference field and far interference field, and a computation model is established, which considering the turning angle of mirrors as a model parameter for the first time.


8. Based on 2D-coherence model, assumed static nonlinear balance to be as initial state of bridge structure seismic response analysis, after studying on PSD function model of artificial seismic wave and incoherence function model, considering effect of vertical seismic wave promulgating direction to other supported points, selecting Haos 2D-coherence model, applying of triangular series method and MATLAB the thesis achieves artificial seismic wave program and produces six points artificial seismic acceleration waves of the actual bridge.



9. The mean phase coherence of EEG changed with time is coincident with event-related desynchronization and event-related synchronization.


10. coherence是什么意思

10. Based on the theory of strain relaxation and investigation by HRXRD, it is indicated the samples with Mn concentration of 2% and 3% are in quasi-coherence or with low relaxation degree, respectively.


11. This is not being done 100 years ago, but in 1965 and in a country which is pleased with what we call prosperity, with a certain amount of social coherence, which calls itself a civilized nation and which espouses the nation of freedom in the world.


12. The correlation time is used to measure the coherence of bursting oscillations.


13. Because there is no constant boiling point and boiling temperature between DMAC and Water has a very large gap, the target of separation can be obtained by the means of rectification. We adopt the way of area, which was suggested by Herrington, to verify thermodynamics coherence.


14. The conventional optical coherence tomography can realize non-invasive and in vivo measurement with high spatial resolution and sensitivity.


15. The inductive step, to which the questioning as for the motivation encourages, is absolutely the same one as that which psychological science generally has with regard to the person: But how does this singular animal function to appear with if little coherence?


16. In this method, the coherence of the part-of-speech between words is used and the machine leaning technology is introduced to build the classification decision tree of the binary tree form.


17. As to static standard data, this system apply simple database snapshot and produce copies of data in local-storage, they can be automatism refurbish by Data Base Management System in appointed time interval, so, time that system cost in network accessing will reduce and system can hold coherence of data.



18. To measure artificial seismic wave with high accuracy in remote distance, the theory and methods of coherence of light resource, stability of system, intensity and signal to noise ratio of laser Doppler signal, and sensitivity and accuracy of displacement measurement are investigated.


19. coherence的解释

19. Through testing the contents of trace elements and constant elements of the samples, and analyzing the data by the means of longitudinal and transverse analyses, the results show that the contents of geochemistrical elements have great discrepancy in different parentmaterial layers. Though there are inheritance characters in the black soils in surface, the contents of soil geochemical elements have changed in the same climate and vegetations for a long time, and the geochemical characteristics of the black soils in different parent materials incline to coherence.


20. As a result, these court verdicts, which were supposed to be serious in style, appeared to be filled with literary colors of unity and coherence with accuracy of diction and rich personal expressions.


coherence 词典解释

1. 统一;一致性;连贯性

Coherence is a state or situation in which all the parts or ideas fit together well so that they form a united whole.

e.g. The anthology has a surprising sense of coherence.


coherence 单语例句coherence什么意思

1. It is composed of four parts, with their coherence in the middle.

2. The Moscow dance theatre has demonstrated perfect coherence and excellent technique in its international performances, which transport the audience into the dreamland of Russian folklore.

3. What makes the difference for Egypt is that it has a strong domestic league, which fosters depth of talent and coherence as a national team.

4. Inherent to this new partnership is a broader paradigm for development that includes more resources, better coordination and more coherence.

5. Documents released by the NPC Standing Committee show some legislators had expressed concern that the Criminal Law lacked coherence in its penalty system.

6. The lack of grassroots coherence in the United States was cruelly revealed when Katrina hit New Orleans.

7. The Grandmaster is two hours of sumptuously photographed scenes in search of narrative coherence.

8. In general, direct coherence is used to connect two strokes in cursive and running hand.

9. And the coherence of our society remains stronger than some would wish.

10. Mainstreaming environmental concerns in the trade regime would lead to global policy coherence.

coherence 英英释义


1. logical and orderly and consistent relation of parts

Synonym: coherency

2. the state of cohering or sticking together

Synonym: coherencycohesioncohesiveness