

end:[英 [end] 美 [ɛnd] ]


过去式:ended;   过去分词:ended;   现在分词:ending;   复数形式:ends;

end 基本解释

名词端; 结果; 终止; 最后部分



end 同义词

动词quitconcludestopfinishterminatewind updiscontinueclosehaltceaseresultcomplete


end 反义词




end 相关词组

1. keep ones end up : 精神饱满地对付;

2. on end : 连续地;

3. at a loose end : 闲着;

4. in the end : 最后, 终于;

5. no end : 非常;

6. win ones end : 达到目的; ;

7. from end to end : 从头到尾地;

8. end to end : 首尾相连;

9. achieve ones end : 达到目的; ;

10. bring to an end : 使结束;

11. at ones wits end : 不知所措;

12. meet ones end : 死;

13. end on : 端头直对(某物体)地;

14. at an end : 结束;

end 相关例句



1. I hoped that this might end my suffering.



1. end的意思

1. The book ends in tragedy.



1. end的意思

1. I used the scientific method to attain this end.


2. end的近义词

2. There is no end to his grumbles.


3. end

3. I'll look after the advertising end.


end 情景对话


A:I can (live with it/ stand it/ bear it/ endure it.)


B:It’s not the end of the world.




A:We’re never going to (get to the end of this one/ finish this movie/see the result).


B:That’s right.



A:We’ll call you.


B:Ok, should I expect to hear from you by (next Friday/ the end of the week/ the 15th)?


end 网络解释

1. 端点:在实际绘图或尺寸标注时,经常用到交叉点(int)、 端点(end)等,如果提前设置好,将节省许多键盘输入时间 . 设置目标捕捉方式可选用下列方式之一:

2. end什么意思

2. 端:这样数据包被错误地重构(因为压缩包的丢失),但是仅有TCP 端(end)知道数据包是错误的,解压器根本不感觉到混乱的(confused)解压器处于TCP对话的前向部分(即数据传输部分).

3. end:endif; 通讯第二步

4. end

4. end:exaltation of newcastle disease; 新城疫病毒强化法

end 双语例句

1. The quetzal is one type of bird that could end up going extinct because of the effects of global warming.



2. Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end...


3. The elaborate loop-the-loop plot structure cooked up by screenwriter Danny Rubin is crystal-clear every step of the way, but it's Murray's world-class reactive timing that makes the jokes explode, and we end up looking forward to each new variation.


4. Objective To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of using AO/ASIF collar-bone hook nickelclad while carring out ORIF operation to TossyⅡ type acromioclavicular dislocation and NeerⅠ type distal end of collar bone fracture.

目的 观察应用AO/ASIF锁骨钩钢板对TossyⅡ型肩锁关节脱位和NeerⅠ型锁骨远端骨折进行切开复位固定手术的治疗效果。

5. end的意思

5. The'.''end and Bunol residents uncoiled garden hoses to spray down''.


6. At the end of this book, there is an easy to use reference listing all of the programs, libraries, and important files that have been installed.


7. I had a good lap at the end of it.


8. Weld-end valves also require the additional designation of the pipe schedule they are designed to fit.


9. After came one foot hanging, by the end Xiaohui was bound on the Tiger`s Bench, and we use a very hot electric heater to torture her soft soles!


10. end的近义词

10. At the end of each day, every department will send you a daily update.



11. This can be a difficult job because you can end up with a team that is too unwieldy to manage.


12. At the end of the day, it comes down to this: The way we chooose to see ourselves, it limits who we can be.


13. A linear crystalline defect associated with the lattice distortion produced in the vicinity of the end of an extra half plane of atoms within a crystal. The Burgers vector is perpendicular to the dislocation line.


14. Nick followed the woman up a flight of stairs and back to the end of a corridor.


15. It was also too long to run a cable from one end of the house to the other.


16. Modules at each end of the cable provide a phantom path for telephony signals between a telephone near the data set and a PBX, through both conductor pairs in a phantom circuit arrangement.


17. end什么意思

17. What has been your experience with random acts of kindness -- whether on the receiving or the giving end?


18. After the procedure, mean IOP decreased by 7.73.5 mm Hg (30%), from 25.52.5 mm Hg to 17.92.8 mm Hg (P.001). SLT was ineffective in two eyes (4%), and three eyes (7%) required topical antiglaucoma medications to control IOP at the end of 18-month follow-up. IOP decreased by at least 5 mm Hg in 40 eyes (89%). There were no changes in visual acuity, visual fields, or gonioscopic findings.

在手术后,平均IOP 降低了7.7 ±3.5 毫米汞柱(30%),从25.5±2.5 毫米汞柱降低至17.9 ±2.8毫米汞柱(P 。001),SLT对於二只眼睛的效果不佳(4%),而且三只眼睛(7%)在18个月的追踪期结束后,需要局部的抗青光眼药物治疗,40 只眼睛的IOP至少降低了5 毫米汞柱(89%),视觉灵敏度、视野或视角并无改变。


19. Korea by the end of 2006 from the introduction of food waste treatment method of atomic core technology, and aviation maintenance Jilin limited liability company, successfully developed the HM Series food waste processor systems, and obtain the environmental protection department, quality inspection department of the certification, as China industry-leading products.


20. This looks like the end for us. I'm sorry, Kestrel.


end 词典解释

1. 最后部分;末尾

The end of something such as a period of time, an event, a book, or a film is the last part of it or the final point in it.

e.g. The £5 banknote was first issued at the end of the 18th century...


e.g. The report is expected by the end of the year...


2. (使)结束;(使)终结

When a situation, process, or activity ends, or when something or someone ends it, it reaches its final point and stops.

e.g. The meeting quickly ended and Steve and I left the room...


e.g. Talks have resumed to try to end the fighting...



The ending of a marriage by death is different in many ways from an ending occasioned by divorce.


3. 结束;终止;结果;结局

An end to something or the end of it is the act or result of stopping it so that it does not continue any longer.

e.g. The French government today called for an end to the violence...


e.g. I was worried she would walk out or bring the interview to an end...


4. 以…方式结束;终结

If you say that someone or something ends a period of time in a particular way, you are indicating what the final situation was like. You can also say that a period of time ends in a particular way.

e.g. The markets ended the week on a quiet note...


e.g. British Gas shares ended the day 1p up at 287p...


5. (一段时间)结束,终结

If a period of time ends, it reaches its final point.


e.g. Its monthly reports on program trading usually come out about three weeks after each month ends...


e.g. The first figure shows sales for week ending July 27.


6. (书、演说、表演等)以…为结尾,以…结束

If something such as a book, speech, or performance ends with a particular thing or the writer or performer ends it with that thing, its final part consists of the thing mentioned.

e.g. His statement ended with the words: 'Pray for me.'...


e.g. The book ends on a lengthy description of Hawaii...


7. 告终;收场

If a situation or event ends in a particular way, it has that particular result.

e.g. The incident could have ended in tragedy...


e.g. The match ended in a draw...


8. 末端;尽头

The two ends of something long and narrow are the two points or parts of it that are furthest away from each other.

e.g. The company is planning to place surveillance equipment at both ends of the tunnel...


e.g. A typical fluorescent lamp is a tube with metal electrodes at each end.


9. 末端;末梢;尖端

The end of a long, narrow object such as a finger or a pencil is the tip or smallest edge of it, usually the part that is furthest away from you.

e.g. He tapped the ends of his fingers together...


e.g. She let the long cone of ash hang at the end of her cigarette.


10. 尖端有;最后部分是

If an object ends with or in a particular thing, it has that thing on its tip or point, or as its last part.

e.g. It has three pairs of legs, each ending in a large claw.


11. (河流等)终止,停住

A journey, road, or river that ends at a particular place stops there and goes no further.

e.g. The road ended at a T-junction...


e.g. The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh.


12. (等级的)一端,一头

End is used to refer to either of the two extreme points of a scale, or of something that you are considering as a scale.

e.g. At the other end of the social scale was the grocer, the village's only merchant...


e.g. The agreement has been criticised by extremist groups on both ends of the political spectrum.


13. (联系、旅行等的)一端,一方,一头

The other end is one of two places that are connected because people are communicating with each other by telephone or writing, or are travelling from one place to the other.

e.g. When he answered the phone, Ferguson was at the other end...


e.g. There was silence at the other end of the line...


14. (项目、工作的)部分,方面

If you refer to a particular end of a project or piece of work, you mean a part or aspect of it, for example a part of it that is done by a particular person or in a particular place.

e.g. You take care of your end, kid, I'll take care of mine...


e.g. Let's go up to the office and settle the business end of things.


15. 目的;意图

An end is the purpose for which something is done or towards which you are working.

e.g. The police force is being manipulated for political ends...


e.g. Now the government is trying another policy designed to achieve the same end.


16. 只存在于,仅限于(某一点)

If you say that something ends at a particular point, you mean that it is applied or exists up to that point, and no further.

e.g. Helen is also 25 and from Birmingham, but the similarity ends there...


e.g. Does responsibility end at the fitting of car seats?


17. 辞世;去世

You can refer to someone's death as their end, especially when you are talking about the way that they died or might die.

e.g. Soon after we had spoken to this man he had met a violent end.


18. 结果是;最后是

If you end by doing something or end in a particular state, you do that thing or get into that state even though you did not originally intend to.


e.g. They ended by making themselves miserable...


e.g. They'll probably end back on the streets.


19. 自杀;一了百了

If someone ends it all, they kill themselves.

e.g. He grew suicidal, thinking up ways to end it all.


20. 把…都比下去

If you describe something as, for example, the deal to end all deals or the film to end all films, you mean that it is very important or successful, and that compared to it all other deals or films seem second-rate.

e.g. It was going to be a party to end all parties.


e.g. ...the sale to end all sales at Harrods.


21. 结束;终结

If something is at an end, it has finished and will not continue.


e.g. The court has passed sentence and the matter is now at an end...


e.g. The recession is definitely at an end.


22. 结束

If something comes to an end, it stops.

e.g. The cold war came to an end.


23. 最终;到头来

You say at the end of the day when you are talking about what happens after a long series of events or what appears to be the case after you have considered the relevant facts.

e.g. At the end of the day it's up to the Germans to decide...


e.g. At the end of the day, the board's not going to be too concerned with three or four more dollars.


24. 变得神志不清;变得不正常

If you say that someone has gone off the deep end, you mean that their mind has stopped working in a normal way and their behaviour has become very strange as a result.

e.g. I'm not sure she believes me. She probably just thinks I've gone off the deep end.


25. (使)落入一无所知的无助境地

If you are thrown in at the deep end, you are put in a completely new situation without any help or preparation. If you jump in at the deep end, you go into a completely new situation without any help or preparation.

e.g. It's a superb job. You get thrown in at the deep end and it's all down to you...


e.g. The reason many people fail on diets is that they jump in at the deep end, making a complete change to their eating habits.


26. 坚持到底

If you do something to the bitter end or to the very end, you continue to do it for as long as you can, although it may be very unpleasant or dangerous.


e.g. We will fight to the bitter end to ensure our children get what is rightfully theirs.


27. 最后;终于

You say in the end when you are saying what is the final result of a series of events, or what is your final conclusion after considering all the relevant facts.

e.g. I toyed with the idea of calling the police, but in the end I didn't...


e.g. Benny thought the president was sincere and sensitive, but, in the end, that's not what counts.


28. 本身就值得做

If you consider something to be an end in itself, you do it because it seems desirable and not because it is likely to lead to something else.

e.g. While he had originally traveled in order to study, traveling had become an end in itself.


29. 坚持下去;尽自己的本分;做好自己的本职工作

If you have to keep your end up, or to keep up your end of something, you have to do something as well as other people, or as well as you are expected to do it.

e.g. I had to keep my end up with other professors in the faculty...


e.g. He had trouble keeping up his end of a technical discussion.


30. 使收支相抵;勉强维持生计

If you find it difficult to make ends meet, you can only just manage financially because you hardly have enough money for the things you need.

e.g. With Betty's salary they barely made ends meet.


31. 非常;许多

No end means a lot.


e.g. The problem was causing the poor woman no end of misery...


e.g. Teachers inform me that Tracey's behaviour has improved no end.


32. 连续地;持续地

When something happens for hours, days, weeks, or years on end, it happens continuously and without stopping for the amount of time that is mentioned.

e.g. He is a wonderful companion and we can talk for hours on end...


e.g. I spend days on end in this studio.


33. 竖着;直立着

Something that is on end is upright, instead of in its normal or natural position, for example lying down, flat, or on its longest side.

34. 终止;结束

To put an end to something means to cause it to stop.


e.g. Only a political solution could put an end to the violence.


35. 尽头;终点;末日

If a process or person has reached the end of the road, they are unable to progress any further.

e.g. Given the results of the vote, is this the end of the road for the hardliners in Congress?


36. 永远;一直

If you say that something will happen or be true until the end of time or to the end of time, you are emphasizing that it will always happen or always be true.

e.g. We can assume that the moon will continue to go around the earth until the end of time...


e.g. I'll love her till the end of time.


37. 不是世界末日;没那么可怕

If you say that something bad is not the end of the world, you are trying to stop yourself or someone else being so upset by it, by suggesting that it is not the worst thing that could happen.


e.g. Obviously I'd be disappointed if we don't make it, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.


38. the end of your tether -> see tether

to burn the candle at both ends -> see candle

to make your hair stand on end -> see hair

a means to an end -> see means

to be on the receiving end -> see receive

to get the wrong end of the stick -> see stick

to come to a sticky end -> see sticky

to be at your wits’ end -> see wit

相关词组:end up

end 单语例句

1. Anzhen has been performing well in consecutive years and Wangjing is expected to commence business by end of this year.

2. It will occupy eight stories and be open for business by the end of the year.

3. Analysts and legal experts said it represented a brave new world in Russian business and the end of the Kremlin's tolerance of a powerful elite.

4. The new investment company will formally open for business by the end of September.

5. Kong and fellow alternative energy producers have been enjoying booming business since the end of June.

6. The new firm will open for business by the end of the year.

7. I might be the most stupid businessman who will guard the feminine hygiene business to the end.

8. The students will have to submit a business plan at the end of the semester.

9. " To get the business licence in the end took over a month, " said the restaurant owner.

10. But when it involves political tricks, business will come to an end soon.

end是什么意思end 英英释义


1. (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage

e.g. no one wanted to play end

2. the part you are expected to play

e.g. he held up his end

3. a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold

Synonym: remainderremnantoddment

4. a final part or section

e.g. we have given it at the end of the section since it involves the calculus

Start at the beginning and go on until you come to the end

5. the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it

e.g. the ends justify the means

Synonym: goal

6. the last section of a communication

e.g. in conclusion I want to say...

Synonym: conclusioncloseclosingending

7. the concluding parts of an event or occurrence

e.g. the end was exciting

I had to miss the last of the movie

Synonym: lastfinal stage

8. a boundary marking the extremities of something

e.g. the end of town

9. either extremity of something that has length

e.g. the end of the pier

she knotted the end of the thread

they rode to the end of the line

the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix

Synonym: terminal

10. the surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object

e.g. one end of the box was marked `This side up'

11. one of two places from which people are communicating to each other

e.g. the phone rang at the other end

both ends wrote at the same time

12. (football) the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage

e.g. the end managed to hold onto the pass

13. a final state

e.g. he came to a bad end

the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end

Synonym: destructiondeath

14. the point in time at which something ends

e.g. the end of the year

the ending of warranty period

Synonym: ending


1. bring to an end or halt

e.g. She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime

The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period after WW I

Synonym: terminate

2. put an end to

e.g. The terrible news ended our hopes that he had survived

3. have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense

either spatial or metaphorical

e.g. the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed

Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other

My property ends by the bushes

The symphony ends in a pianissimo

Synonym: stopfinishterminatecease

4. be the end of

be the last or concluding part of

e.g. This sad scene ended the movie

Synonym: terminate