




1.四点钟 pm 下午 4pm 下午四点 am 上午 ...

3.下午4点入场 ... 周六 Saturday 下午4点入场 4pm 星期二的水陆观音详细内容请见酒吧网站 : www.2kolegas…

4.下午四时 有关交易必须在3月31日(主日) 下午四时(4pm)前完成。请将并交回交易单据(bank-in-spp) 或 网上理财列印记录,连同个人资 …



1.I can't make it tomorrow at 2pm. Can we make it a bit later , say 4pm?明天下午2点我可能不行,晚一点可以吗?4点钟怎么样?

2.I'll head home at around 4pm, ready to have dinner with my family.下午4点左右我基本上就到家了,然后就是和家人共进晚餐。

3.The outage happened just after 9 am and trading did not resume until 4pm , by which time many traders had given up and gone home .故障发生时早上9点刚过,直到下午4点才恢复交易,此时多数交易员已经放弃等待,返回家中。

4.The other faculty had to phone me to wake me up for a 4pm meeting we'd scheduled.其他的教员不得不打电话让我起床参加计划好的下午四点的会议。

5.As the tide will get extremely low at 4pm, the best time to surf might be in between tides around noon.因为今天4下午点钟有潮得很退,所以中午应该是最好的冲浪时间。

6.We provided updates on an hourly basis to keep our users informed of the situation until it was resolved today just before 4pm PDT.我们向用户每小时一次地持续更新故障解决的最新状态,直到PDT时间下午4点故障最终解决为止。

7.Once or twice a month, on a Saturday, I arrived at the soup kitchen at around 4pm to help cook dinner.有一个周六,我大概下午4点到了救济厨房去帮忙做晚饭。

8.The soccer team will leave Pudong Interational Airport at 4pm on the 16th. We'll all be going to see them off.足球队将在16日下午4点离开浦东国际机场。我们都将去送行。

9.A blood test and a urine test. You can come back next week. Say 4PM to see the results.验血和验尿。你下个星期再来。下午四点钟就能看到结果。

10.The sun is stronger after 10am, and is the strongest between noon and 4pm.太阳晒后,上午10时,是最强烈的中午至下午4时。