



美式发音: [ˌriˈsteɪt] 英式发音: [ˌriːˈsteɪt]



第三人称单数:restates  现在分词:restating  过去式:restated  同义词

v.repeat,reaffirm,reiterate,say again,regurgitate



v.1.to say or write something again or using different words in order to emphasize it or make it clearer

1.重述及宣告圣经的真理00 港币千元 港币千元 港币千元 港币千元 港币千元 (Restated ) (Restated) (重列) (重列) RESULTS 业绩 Turnover 营业 …

4.经重列(2010: HK0.6 cent通股0.6港仙(经重列)。 ) (restated)) per ordinary share for the Period.42 Interim Report 2011


1.It also advocates being able to claw back money from former managers if the accounts have to be restated.同样,如果在帐目必须被重审的情况下,从以前的经理手中获得弥补性收入也是被提倡的。

2.If there aren't concrete examples, the requirement should be examined and restated in a way that it would change a business outcome.要是没有实际例子,就应当认真分析需求,并且换一种会改变业务结果的方式重新表述。

3.A request to have calls restated* shall be responded to only by an opponent.一个复述*要求只能由一个对手来作答。

4.Obama restated his opposition to the war in Iraq after a voter asked him why the U. S. image abroad has sharply decpned in recent years.一位选举人询问奥巴马说,为什么美国的形象在海外在近几年中极速下降,在这个问题之后,奥巴马重申了他反对伊拉克战争。

5.Without mentioning the issue specifically, he restated the philosophy he had laid out in Thursday Thursday's speech on national security.他重申了周四关于国家安全的演讲中表达的观点,而不是刻意地提到该问题。

6.To avoid ambiguity, Newton's first and second laws for systems should be restated in terms of the center of mass.为了避免意义含糊,牛顿第一定律和第二定律用于系统时,应根据质心的观点加以重述。

7.This 'commitment strategy' restated the value of the partnership with the United States in preserving the naval balance in North-east Asia.这一责任战略重申与美国在保持东北亚海军实力平衡保持密切伙伴关系。

8.Tito restated that Kiribati would further boost the mutual beneficial cooperation with China and the friendship between the two peoples.斯托再次表示愿积极发展同中国的互利合作并不断加强两国人民的友谊。

9.It should not be too often restated that betting , no matter what kind of betting, will give rise to many problems .不应常常重申投注,不管遇到什么样的博彩会带来很多问题。

10.Net income dropped to 155. 5 milpon francs ($152. 9 milpon) from a restated 158. 5 milpon francs a year earper, the company said.该公司表示,净利润下降到1.555亿瑞士法郎(约合1.529亿美元),低于去年同期的1.585亿瑞士法郎。