


美式发音: [ˈmiz(ə)lz] 英式发音: [ˈmiːz(ə)lz]




measlesn.— see alsoGerman measles

1.麻疹an infectious disease, especially of children, that causes fever and small red spots that cover the whole body


n.1.an infectious disease common in children in which there are red spots all over the body and a high fever

1.麻疹 花粉症 hay fever 麻疹 measles 肺结核 T.B. ...

2.风疹 strep throat/septic sore throat; 脓毒性 咽喉炎 measles; 麻疹,风疹 chicken pox; 水痘 ...

3.痧子 痧子measles〗 ...

4.疹子 ... 砧子[ hammering block; anvil] 疹子[ measles] 枝子[ twig] ...

5.疫苗和麻疹,现在每个儿童都要接种的小儿麻痹( Popo )疫苗和麻疹Measles )疫苗就是人活病毒疫苗。中国古代医家在 2000 多年 …

6.腮腺炎 measles 麻疹 measles n.麻疹,斑点 measles n.风疹的,麻疹,麻疹的 ...


1.The objective of the campaign was to provide all children under the age of five with a second opportunity for measles vaccination.运动的目标是为所有五岁以下儿童提供第二次接种麻疹疫苗的机会。

2.It's very exciting progress, but the efficacy to date is not that of, say, a measles vaccine, which is expected to be at least 90%.这是非常令人振奋的进展,不过迄今效果并未达到麻疹疫苗的保护水平(麻疹疫苗的保护率预计超过90%)。

3.Vaccine strains of measles virus have been used to kill tumor cells in a number of tumor types including one type of adult brain tumor.麻疹疫苗株已经被用来治疗多种肿瘤,其中包括成人脑肿瘤。

4.Unpke measles, popo or diphtheria, Hib does not cause a specific illness with which it, alone, can be identified.与麻疹、脊灰或白喉不同,Hib并不造成只有它才能引起的一种特定疾病。

5.P. Singh, the chief medical officer in the district, conceded that many children had not been immunized for measles.SINGH博士,作为该地区的首席医疗官员,承认当地很多儿童从来没有对麻疹接受过免疫。

6.BACKGROUND: Measles is usually considered to be a childhood disease.背景:麻疹是通常被认为是一种儿童疾病。

7.What seems to be a cold often turns out to be the beginning of measles.看似感冒的症状,结果往往是麻疹的初期。

8.one night our phone rang . it was one of the ornithologists . " does your pttle girl still have measles ? " the asked.有天晚上,电话铃响了,是一个鸟类学家打来的。他问道,“你那小女孩麻疹还没好吗?”

9.So far SARS does not seem to spread in tiny airborne droplets as influenza or measles do, which would cause exponential spread.到目前为止,SARS看来不可以像流感和麻疹那样通过微小的飞沫传播。如果可以,传染将会是很疯狂的。

10.The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles.医生叫她注意麻疹出现的症状。