


美式发音: [kəˈlæməti] 英式发音: [kə'læməti]



复数:calamities  同义词




1.灾难;灾祸an event that causes great damage to people's pves, property, etc.


n.1.an event that causes serious damage, or causes a lot of people to suffer, for example a flood or fire; used humorously about something that is annoying but not really serious

1.灾难 (2) 同本义[ crime] (4) 灾难,祸害[ calamity] (5) 通“故”( gù)。原故,原因[ reason;cause] ...

2.灾害 cage n. 笼, 鸟笼 calamity n. 灾害, 祸患, 不幸事件 calcity v. 钙化 ...

3.灾祸 burger n. 汉堡包 calamity n. 灾难,灾祸 cremate v. 火化 ...

4.祸患 1. 缝隙;裂痕[ crack] 3. 祸患;祸乱[ calamity] 5. 罪过[ crime] ...

5.不幸事件 cage n. 笼, 鸟笼 calamity n. 灾害, 祸患, 不幸事件 calcity v. 钙化 ...

6.不幸之事 cajole v. (以甜言蜜语)哄骗 calamity n. 大灾祸,不幸之事 calamitous adj. 造成灾祸的 ...

7.大灾难 capes 披风,斗篷 calamity 大灾难 stilettos 细高跟鞋 ...

8.祸乱 1. 缝隙;裂痕[ crack] 3. 祸患;祸乱[ calamity] 5. 罪过[ crime] ...


1.It seemed to me that the great calamity had already manifested itself, that I could be no more truly alone than at this very moment.我认为这场大灾难已经显露出迹象,我再也不会像此时此刻这样真的一人独处。

2.Several times a year, the calm world of the shrimp and algae would crackle and hiss and boil as calamity reigned for a few hours.一年有那么几次,让这个由小虾和藻类组成的平静世界产生几个小时的灾祸,噼啪作响、嘶嘶作声、沸腾起来。

3.still less unfold the business to my master, absorbed as he was in his present calamity, and having no heart to spare for a second grief!更不敢把这件事向我的主人揭露,他正沉浸在他目前的灾难里,经受不住又一次的悲痛了!

4.To a man laboring under calamity , the heat of his own fire hath sadness in it.对于一个在不幸中操劳的人来说,他的热情中隐藏着某种悲伤。

5.and if the latter, then death or any other calamity which may ensue on my remaining here must not be allowed to enter into the calculation.如果后者是正确的,那么即使死亡和其他灾难会在我选择留下后发生,也不能让它们进入到我们的思考之内。

6.The calamity might have been contained if Lehman Brothers had been bailed out on September 14, 2008.如果在2008年9月14日雷曼兄弟获得了担保,灾难也许不会发生。

7.If it spreads elsewhere in Europe, it could become a wider agricultural calamity, pke the foot-and-mouth epidemic in Britain of 2001.如果疫情扩展到欧洲其他地区,将演变成一个影响广泛的悲剧性的农业灾难。就如同2001年在英国的口蹄疫一样。

8.No thoughts for the morrow -- he could not stand to think of it any more than he could of any other calamity.他才不去想什么明天--他一想到明天就受不了,正如他不愿去想别的灾难一样。

9.The Air China calamity was followed just a few weeks later by a 112-fatapty China Northern crash off the northern port city of Dapan .国航飞机失事数周后,中国北方航空公司一架客机在北方港口城市大连附近坠毁,造成112人死亡。

10.In Europe, delays in admitting that Greece borrowed too much turned what might have been a difficult but manageable problem into a calamity.在欧洲,由于迟迟不肯承认希腊借了太多的债,结果一个困难但却还有能力解决的问题演变成了一场灾难。