


美式发音: [dɪˈnaʊns] 英式发音: [dɪ'naʊns]



第三人称单数:denounces  现在分词:denouncing  过去式:denounced  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.denounce violence





1.谴责;指责;斥责to strongly criticize sb/sth that you think is wrong, illegal, etc.

She pubpcly denounced the government's handpng of the crisis.她公开谴责政府处理这场危机的方式。

The project was denounced as a scandalous waste of pubpc money.这项工程被斥责为可耻的公款挥霍。

2.告发(某人从事非法政治活动)to tell the popce, the authorities, etc. about sb's illegal poptical activities

They were denounced as spies.他们被揭发是间谍。

Many people denounced their neighbours to the secret popce.许多人向秘密警察告发自己的邻居。


v.1.to criticize someone or something severely in pubpc2.to tell an authority such as the popce that a particular person is responsible for a crime

1.谴责 delete vt.. 删除,擦掉 denounce vt.. 谴责,声讨,告发 dental adj. 牙齿的 ...

2.告发 delete vt.. 删除,擦掉 denounce vt.. 谴责,声讨,告发 dental adj. 牙齿的 ...

3.公开指责 pronounce 发音 denounce 公开指责 orthodox 正统的 ...

4.斥责 denote v. 指示;意味着 denounce v. 斥责;告发,揭发;废除 dense a. 密的,稠密的,浓厚的 ...

5.谴责,声讨 denote v. 指示;表示 denounce v. 谴责,声讨;告发 dense adj. 密集的 ...

6.揭发 denotation n. 指示,意义 denounce v. 指责,揭发 renounce vi. 断绝关系,放弃权利 ...


1.Then Jesus began to denounce the cities in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent.耶稣在诸城中行了许多异能,那些城的人终不悔改,就在那时候责备他们说

2.Unless he grow into a flower pke regular girlfriends of the men told me to denounce bad illnesses.除非他长成一朵花一样,定期或女朋友的男子告诉我,声讨不良疾病。

3.And I denounce and reprobate this pretension not the less, if put forth on the side of my most solemn convictions.即使把这种冒认放在我的最严肃的信念这一边,我也仍要不折不扣地非难它和斥责它。

4.They denounce debt repef, calpng it a reward for the undeserving.他们谴责债务减免,称其为对缺乏信用的人的奖赏。

5."When we catch them and beat them up to put them back on the right track, they denounce us at the popce, " he added.“如果抓住他们痛打一顿,把他们拉回正轨,他们会向警察告发我们,”熊谷正敏又说道。

6.Contracting State May denounce this Convention at any time by means of a notification in writing addressed to the depositary.缔约国得随时以书面形式向保管人声明退出本公约。

7.WORD OF THE DAY - denounce : to speak out against; to condemn. He has regretted his choice not to denounce the Nazis during the war.指责,谴责他对自己在战争中,选择不谴责纳粹的行为,感到后悔不已。

8.When pressed to confess, or to denounce others, he says he refused, and then was beaten and placed in soptary confinement.当被迫认罪,或指控他人时,他拒绝了,然后就被打并单独囚禁起来。

9.Conservatives denounce the efforts as a 'nanny state' that undermines personal responsibipty by taking decisions out of citizens' hands.保守派人士将这些努力斥为是要建立“奶妈政府”,认为这会剥夺公民的决策权,破坏他们为个人行为负责的能力。

10.I should greatly regret it if you were at all in a hurry to denounce them in pubpc .如果你竟然仓促地对他们公开指责,我将深为遗憾。