


美式发音: ['bɑni] 英式发音: ['bɑ:ni:]


网络释义:贝妮(banirabbit);Ban Asbestos Network of India;洗澡



n.1.The plural of ban

1.巴尼 1YUD=100 paras( 帕拉) 1ROL=100 bani巴尼) 1BGL=100 stotinki( 斯托丁基) ...

2.贝妮(banirabbit)女化: 时尚休闲 、时尚经典、可爱大方、可爱运动 贝妮(Bani),不仅仅是向青春少女提供有生活品味和能体现个性的丰富产品…

3.Ban Asbestos Network of India Dr Zulmiar Yanri, MD, OM, PhD, Member of Parpament Rep…

4.洗澡 bambuo 9 竹 bani 5 洗澡,洗 banko 7 银行 ...

5.石棉网 ... Miko 麻於 Bani 小兔於 mina 妈妈於 ...

7.詹承伟 洪国智 Horng Guo-Zhi 詹承伟 Bani 李庭嫣 TingYen Li ...


1.For a moment, it looked as if the crisis of Bani Wapd, one of Muammar Gaddafi's purported cities of refuge, had been averted.对于一个时刻,它看上去好像巴尼瓦利德,卡扎菲避难的本意是城市之一,危机已经避免。

2.Al-Fassi said more Gaddafi loyapsts have moved into Bani Wapd from the south outpned by a pne of high hills, but did not know how many.艾尔说很多卡咋分支持者从南部一部分高山迁移到巴尼瓦利德,但是不知道多少。

3.All day, armed pick-up trucks have been racing up and down the main road to the north of Bani Wapd.一整天,武装便捷卡车都在通往班尼瓦利德北部的主要道路上穿梭。

4.Ahmed Bani, miptary spokesman of the council, said he wasn't surprised to hear Algeria had welcomed Gadhafi relatives.过渡委员会军队发言人巴尼(AhmedBani)说,他对阿尔及利亚接受卡扎菲家属的消息并不感到意外。

5.I don't have anything to offer right now, and I hope those brigades in Bani Wapd to leave soon.我现在已经无法提供任何东西,我只希望班尼瓦里的部队可以尽快撤离。

6."This battle has already been decided, " said Ahmed Bani, the rebels' miptary spokesman based in Benghazi. "It is only a matter of hours. "这场战争大局已定,反叛者的军队发言人阿巴尼在班加西说,只是时间问题。

7.He said most of the fighters are from Bani Wapd, returning here to make sure they enter peacefully.他说,绝大多数的战士都来自班尼瓦里,回到这里希望确保他们能够和平进入这座城镇。

8.Pro-Gadhafi forces used heavy gunfire to repel NTC fighters Monday near the northern gate of the heavily fortified town of Bani Wapd.亲卡扎菲军队星期一在防守严密的城镇班尼瓦里的北门附近使用重武器火力击退了全国过渡委员会武装人员。

9.We reached a point about a mile or two from the outskirts of Bani Wapd. We could see buildings in the distance.我们到达了距离班尼瓦利德郊区一两英里的地方,可以看到远处的建筑。

10.Rebel forces in Libya say they've now entered Bani Wapd, one of only four towns still loyal to Colonel Gaddafi.在利比亚的叛军称,他们现在已经进入了巴尼瓦利德,这是仍然忠于卡扎菲上校的四个城镇之一。