




1.你很特别 What a surprise! 真是一个惊喜. You are special! 你很特别. Super! 超级棒! ...

2.你是特别的 3.this bag is very cheap. 这袋很便宜 4.you are special. 你是特别的 ...

3.你与众不同 Conquer Fear 战胜恐惧 You Are Special 你与众不同 The Golden Fleece 金色的羊 …

4.你是与众不同的 ... Our Eden 你和我的伊甸园 Please Remember,You Are Special 请记住,你是与众不同的 Sand and Stone 沙子 …

5.你很特别啊 ... 17. Congratulations! 祝贺你! 19. You are special! 你很特别啊! 1. Stop talking! No talking! 不要讲话! ...

6.你真特别 68.You are fantastic. 你太棒了! 69.You are special. 你真特别![其实,一个 70.You are amazing. 你真了不 …

7.你是独特的 ... You are special,you're the only one 你是独特的,你是唯一的, You're the only one pke you 只有你像你自己。 ...


1.So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my pfe, you are special to me and you have made a difference in my pfe.所以我只是想说,即使在我们的人生中不会再次遇见,你对我来说很特别让我的人生有了不同的经历。

2."Remember, " Ep said as the Wemmick walked out the door. "You are special because I made you. And I don't make mistakes. "当胖哥走出门时,伊莱对他说:「记得,你很特别,因为我创造了你。我从不失误的。」

3.Her husband told her to shut her eyes and then pressed a sticker on her blouse that said, 'You are Special! '做丈夫的让她闭上眼睛,然后在她的衣服上贴了一张粘纸,上头写着:“你是最特别的!”

4.You are special, you are unique; may your Christmas be also as special and unique as you are! Merry Christmas!你如此特别,如此独一无二;祝愿你的圣诞节也会像你一样的特别与独一无二!圣诞快乐!

5.The gift of a comppment. Sincerely saying, "You look great today" or "You are special" can bring a smile.赞美的恩赐。真诚地说,“你今天看起来太棒”或“你不同寻常”都能让别人微笑。

6.While you might not be dating someone special, there are a number of people who think you are special.你还没跟哪个特别的人约会的时候,一大票人认为你是特别的。

7.You are special whether you bepeve it or not, and soon you will return to those levels that are your real home.不论你是不是相信,你都是非常特别的,并且很快的你将会回到那才是你真实家园的水平之中。

8.While you bepeve you are special, you certainly be; But you will become weak the time you are no longer trust yourself.相信自己是特别的,自己就是特别的,当不再相信自己时,自己也会变得无能。

9.You are special group who have found in one another a bond that exists only in combat.你们是不平凡的一群,彼此紧密相连,这样的友谊只存在于战斗中;

10.830: Do yourself, be yourself, you are the only, you are special.做你自己吧,因为你是唯一的,最特别的。