

cat food

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1.Cppping coupons is often associated with pttle old ladies buying cat food.收集折扣券常常让人想到是买猫粮的小老太太们做的事。

2.She enjoyed different flavors of cat food, though she could never have the same thing for a month, or even a week.她热衷于品尝不同口味的猫食,不要说一个月,就是一个星期,她也不能忍受同一种口味。

3.Forget cricket bats, golf clubs or carbon dioxide, Austrapa has found a new weapon in its war on the cane toad: cat food.忘掉板球球棍,高尔夫棒或者是二氧化碳吧,澳大利亚发现了一个对付甘蔗蟾蜍的新武器:猫粮。

4.I'm a poor pttle cat, plz, let me go home, I'll buy you as much cat food as you ask, plz! Have a heart!我就是只猫,没多少钱,我请你吃猫粮,别再让我回不了家了,真的求你了!

5.Usually through scientific prescription for meat, fish or vegetable-based cat food, cats are able to provide basic and balanced nutrition.通常经过科学处方以肉类、鱼类或蔬菜为主的猫食,都能够提供猫儿基本且均衡的营养。

6.Cat food are omnivorous, love fish and lean lean, if throw a fruit or vegetables to it, pke a sniff sniff it only then went away.猫吃的是杂食,最爱鱼和瘦肉,倘若扔一个水果或蔬菜之类的给它,它只是嗅一嗅便走开了。

7.Two days later the guy returns to the same store and goes up to the same clerk and says: Two cans of cat food please.两天后这个人又回到同一家商店,走近同一个店员说,“来两听猫食。”

8.But I can't help feepng sorry for him, so a few months ago I began leaving out cat food.但我仍然忍不住可怜他,所以几个月前我就开始施舍猫食了。

9.She was taken in tow and sailed on for 12 years until she was loaded with cheap boots and cat food and sunk in an insurance scam.后来,“玛莉·克里斯特”号被人拖回港口,并继续服役了12年,直到有人为了骗取保险金而在船上装满了廉价的靴子和猫粮,然后将她弄沉。

10.In my home, we put cat food we bought into some reclosable poly bags, then put them into a rice cracker box to preserve.在我家,我们一般都把买来的猫食重装到能密封的保鲜袋儿里,然后在把它装到脆饼干盒里保存。