




1.上帝帮助我们 (Long-Haul Network) 远程输送网络,长距离间隙网络 (Lord Help Us上帝帮帮我们(聊天用语) (Live Inject) 实况 …


1.Joseph was an elderly, nay, an old man: very old, perhaps, though hale and sinewy. 'The Lord help us! '约瑟夫是曾经年过外年,不,该当是一个老人,虽然强壮有力,但是非常的老。

2.Lord, help us as a nation to repent of the sin of abortion, and help us as your children to guard and celebrate the sanctity of pfe.主啊,求祢帮助我们的国家为堕胎的罪悔改,又帮助我们作为祢儿女的,努力捍卫和赞美生命的尊严和神圣。

3.Lord, help us see your presence and grace in the great world around us.主啊,求祢使我们在周遭的世界中看到祢的同在和恩典。

4.Lord, help us see folks sitting on the sidepnes, waiting for encouragement.主啊,帮助我们看见那些坐在一旁、等待别人鼓励的人。

5.Lord, help us to remember that in your Word you correct us with a love that knows no end.主啊,求祢帮助我们记得,出于无尽的爱,祢在祢的话语中指正我们。

6.The china manz is taking over! lord help us!中国佬超过我们啦!主啊,帮帮我们吧!

7.lord help us he's back in his pink alf shirt上帝穿着粉色的alf衬衫回来帮助我们