

North Yorkshire

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un.1.county in northern England. Its administrative headquarters is in Northallerton.

1.北约克郡约克属于北约克郡North Yorkshire),周围的地区统称约克郡,因为约克郡实在是太大,所以后来被分割为不同的部分,包 …

2.北约克夏6.北约克夏North Yorkshire) 24.萨洛普( Salop )7.兰开夏( Lancashire ) 25.赫里福德-伍斯特( Hereford8.西约克夏( …

3.北约克谢理由是她于1988年12月在北约克谢North Yorkshire)村谋杀了她前情人的妻子。案情是,斯雷索尔梅在谋杀的18个月前与死 …

4.英国北部北约克郡这个圆形的建筑位於英国北部北约克郡North Yorkshire)斯卡伯勒市(Scarborough)附近的斯塔卡(Star Carr)考古遗址。 …

5.约克郡北部而这个位居於英格兰西北方,也即是现今之英国的约克郡北部North Yorkshire)的维京人(Viking)安顿地区,也成为黑暗时 …

6.北约克郡里士满市国摄影师沃克日前在北约克郡里士满市(North Yorkshire)夜空捕捉到由月光形成的美丽彩虹。(图/撷取自网路) . 惊艳!

7.英国北约克西亚搿个小房子造个辰光是1755年,勒勒英国北约克西亚(North Yorkshire)一个叫Great Ayton个农村。库克船长个爷娘James Cook …


1.My mum grew up in Colpngham, which is not far from Leeds' training ground at Thorp Arch, near Wetherby in north Yorkshire .我的妈妈在科林厄姆内长大,这在索普拱离里兹的训练场地不远,靠近在约克郡北部的韦瑟比。

2.Photographer Chris Walker was returning to his home in Richmond, North Yorkshire, when he saw this rainbow emerge through the rain.摄影师克里斯沃尔克正在回家的路上,他的家位于北约克郡的里士满,突然他看见一道彩虹透过雨幕浮现出来。

3.Driving was equally treacherous: heavy snow in North Yorkshire, North England, has resulted in at least one highway death.开车也同样危险:英格兰东北地区北约克郡的大雪,导致至少一例公路死亡。

4.So now we stand in a straw-laden shed at Reagarth Farm in North Yorkshire with a couple of dozen animals, staring at their rumps.现在,在北纽克郡的Reagarth农场里,我们站在一个稻草载货棚里盯着二十几只牛的屁股。

5.Born in Bridpngton, North Yorkshire, England, Mr. Brough graduated with a business degree from University of Nottingham.彭博伦出生于英国北约克郡的布里德灵顿,拥有诺丁汉大学的商学学位。

6.The technology required for this was developed by another small British firm, Peratech, which is based in Richmond, North Yorkshire.这里用到的技术是由另一家位于英国北约克郡里士满的小公司Peratech开发的。

7.North Yorkshire County Council is seeking an injunction to remove the protester from the tree.北约克郡议会发出禁令让示威者离开这棵树。

8.He is the club's deputy chairman. Peter Davis, the Deputy Planning Director of the North Yorkshire彼得。戴维斯,北约克郡负责规划的副主任

9.Castle Howard in North Yorkshire北约克郡的霍华德城堡