




1.四福音 Paul before Fepx. 保罗之前,费利克斯。 The Four Gospels: 四福音: Matthew: 马修: ...

2.四福音书 ... Jane Eyre • Anne Brontë 安妮·勃朗特 parts of the Hebrew Bible 10. The four Gospels 四福音书 • ...

3.四部福音书 ... NEW TEsTAMENT 《新约》 THE FOUR GOSPELS 四部福音书 ACTS 《使徒行 …


1.We commence today with a number of readings from the four Gospels which depict the earthly pfe of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.我们由今天开始查考四卷福音书的经文,借此认识我们的救主,耶稣基督的生平。

2.Since he never mentions the four gospels, it is logical to assert that he had never heard of them.由于他没有提到四福音书,那么推断他从未听说过它们是合乎情理的。

3.Despite his remarkably fastidious record, when Justin is supposedly quoting the New Testament, he mentions none of the four gospels.当我们设想游斯丁是在引用新约,尽管他的记录惊人地严谨,但他没有提到任何的四福音书。

4.The final reading is drawn from one of the four Gospels and is followed by the sermon .最后读的是来自一家四大福音其次是讲道。

5.Next to it stands another French work, the Four Gospels, produced later in the same century.紧接着是另一份法国作品,四福音书,是同一世纪稍晚时候制作的。

6.The Four stands for the Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John .四点,代表四大福音,马太福音、马克福音、路加福音和约翰福音。