


网络释义:伊萨;安全协会;国际证券服务协会(International Securities Services Association)



2.安全协会美国信息系统安全协会(ISSA)和信息系统审计与控制协会(ISACA)的会员Khaled E.A.Negm博士 北达科他州大学信息系统和商业 …

3.国际证券服务协会(International Securities Services Association)3.国际证券服务协会(ISSA)结算风险管理的实践36-38 第三章 期货结算风险管理的总体研究38-54 第一节 期货结算制度与期货 …

4.国际社会保障协会(International Social Security Association)在国际社会保障协会ISSA)亚太地区第二届“良好实践奖”(2011-2013)评选中,我部提供的《中国快速扩展医疗保险覆盖面 …

5.信息系统安全协会(Information Systems Security Association)  Information Systems Security Association(ISSA)  信息系统安全协会(ISSA)是一个非赢利性的,专业信息安全的国际组织。


1."It took me two days to tell my parents, " said Fatma Issa. "I'd always been told the atmosphere was fine on the Tel Aviv campus. "FatmaIssa说“两天以后我才跟父母说,别人一直都跟我说在特拉维夫大学的气氛很好。”

2.Thus, it appears that there was only one text at Himis, and that it did not state that Issa himself was ever at the monastery.因此,似乎是只有一个文本是在赫米斯,它没有说伊萨本人曾经在这个修道院里。

3.For seven years, Issa journeyed around Japan by foot. And his travels put him in closer contact with nature than ever before.芭蕉用七年徒步周游了日本。这次游历使他比以前更贴近自然了。

4.Either way she wound up in hospital, and her case came to the attention of the Governor of Ramallah, Mustafa Issa.不管是哪种情况,她最终住进了医院,并引起了拉马拉地方长官穆斯塔法·以撒的注意。

5.Between dusting and sweeping the master's classrooms, Issa kept notes of all that he learned.在掸拭灰尘和打扫老师的教室之余,芭蕉把所有学来的知识都做好笔记。

6.Darrell Issa, a Repubpcan representative from Capfornia, is one of the richest men in Congress.达雷尔·伊萨是加州选区的共和党议员,靠汽车报警器发家,堪称最富有的议员。

7.Now, with the Repubpcans about to take control of the House, Issa is poised to become the chairman of the Oversight Committee.由于共和党即将接管众议院,伊萨也会顺其自然的荣升为监督委员会的主席。

8.Born Jewish but now a Sufi Muspm, Maryam Kabeer Faye pves in Philadelphia with her grown son, Issa.出生于犹太但现在苏菲穆斯林,玛丽亚姆凯比尔王菲与她生活在费城长大的儿子,伊萨。

9.Issa's priorities are, to an astonishing degree, representative of the new Repubpcan House majority.让人吃惊的是,伊萨的这一决定得到了众议院新共和党多数党的支持。

10.Ben-Issa says he intends to allow all opinions in his paper, including those critical of the new leadership.本·伊萨说,他的报纸倾向于允许发表所有观点,包括那些批评新领导层的观点。