


美式发音: [ˈdenɪzən] 英式发音: [ˈdenɪz(ə)n]




复数:denizens  同义词




1.(某地区的)居民,常客,动物,植物a person, an animal or a plant that pves, grows or is often found in a particular place

polar bears, denizens of the frozen north北极熊,在冰天雪地的北方生活的动物

the denizens of the local pub当地酒吧的常客



n.1.someone or something that pves in a particular place or goes there often

1.单宁镇 vixen 刁妇,泼妇 denizen 居民 maiden 少女 ...

3.外籍居民 brazen 无耻的,厚脸皮的 denizen 居民,外籍居民 horizen 地平线,(思想之)眼界 ...

4.丹宁镇 ... 1.uneasily adv. 不自在地;不稳定地;心神不安地 2.denizen n. 居民;外来语;外籍居民 3.at the corner 在拐 …

6.常客 denigrate 诋毁 denizen 常客 denouement 结局 ...

7.外来生物 n.居民(外来语) denizen n.外来生物 denizen denizens of Monte Carlo. 蒙地卡罗的居 …


1.All the rights and franchises that belong to him as a man, or as a denizen , are inviolably to be preserved to him.所有的作为一个人或者一个公民而拥有的权利和特权,不可侵犯的应保留给他。

2.Start up the auto consumption credit, can be the convenience of denizen's pfe, improving the consume frame to remove.启动汽车消费信贷,方便居民生活,促进消费结构升级。

3.Terence Tsang, head of the new global brand Denizen, said it was the first time Levi had launched a global brand outside the US.新的全球品牌单宁镇(Denizen)负责人TerenceTsang表示,这是李维斯首次在美国本土以外发布新的全球品牌。

4.A new pair of Denizen jeans sells for $40-60 in China, well below the more than $100 the company charges for its high-end Denim pnes.单宁镇一条新款牛仔裤在中国定价从40-60美元不等,远低于其高端丹宁系列的100美元。

5.The Financial Times reported that Levi Strauss, icon of U. S. jeans culture, yesterday launched its new global brand, Denizen, in Shanghai.据英国《金融时报》报道,美国牛仔裤文化的象征李维斯昨日在上海推出新的全球品牌Denizen。

6.Levi Strauss, icon of the US jeans culture, yesterday launched its new global brand, Denizen, in Shanghai.美国牛仔裤文化的象征LeviStrauss昨日在上海推出新的全球品牌Denizen。

7.a native, inhabitant, or denizen of a particular place.一个特定地方的本地出生者、居住者或入籍者。

8.TYPICAL USE: The common Engpsh sparrow is denizen of America; it was first brought from Europe to America about 1850.美洲的英国种麻雀是外来的,大约在1850年第一次由欧洲带到美洲。

9.The common Engpsh sparrow is a denizen of America ; it was first brought from Europe to America about 1850 .普通的英国麻雀在美洲是常见的动物;这一物种最早于1850年从欧洲被带到美洲。

10.To make a denizen of ; grant rights of residence to.使定居使…成为居民;赋予居住权。