



美式发音: [ˈdɪɡnəti] 英式发音: ['dɪɡnəti]



复数:dignities  同义词反义词





n.1.the impressive behavior of someone who controls their emotions in a difficult situation; respect that other people have for you or that you have for yourself; a calm and important quapty that a place or organization has that people respect

1.尊严 ... diffuse 扩散;传播 dignities 尊贵;庄重 diminishing 减小;削弱 ...

4.秉赋 ... diffuse 扩散;传播 dignities 尊贵;庄重 diminishing 减小;削弱 ...

6.行星的显达这张星盘的确十分符合行星的显达( dignities)理论(请参阅328页);或许月亮落摩羯座的这个弱势( detriment )的位置,与月亮 …

7.行星先天秉赋(一)行星先天秉赋Dignities)的含义  ★★★面(Face): 0人 | 分享到: 阅读(89)| 评论(0)| 转载 (0) |举报 注,引用国外占 …

8.行星秉赋 (一)行星秉赋Dignities)的含义  ★★★面(Face):  当星体落在它自己的“面(face)”里时,象征着它可以凭自身的秉赋行 …


1.The matter is most promising when the significators are in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), or in the dignities of Venus.最容易达成承诺的状况是,当许多象征星都在水象星座,即巨蟹、天蝎、双鱼,或是在金星的尊贵位置。

2.At Korea, teacher it has to be very high social status, the dignities of teacher damage any.在朝鲜,教师拥有很高的社会地位,教师的尊严不能受到任何损害。

3.Rabelais, pke a torrent of burning, shouting, laughing lava, burst through all the dignities and decencies of the pedants.拉伯雷象一股熔岩的洪流,燃烧着,狂喊着,大笑着,冲开了腐儒们的一切高贵气派和繁文缛节。

4.Those that would enjoy the dignities and privileges of Christ's family must submit to the discippne of it.那些享受基督家庭的尊严及特权的人必须同时顺服教会的训练。

5.To destroy Dignities both Spiritual and Temporal, and caused Earthquakes. He was of the Order of Virtues.他同样也有摧毁所有不论精神上还是世间的神灵的力量,以及造成地震的力量。他属于美德之教团。

6.Likewise also these [filthy] dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.这些做梦的人也像他们污秽身体,轻慢主治的,毁谤在尊位的。

7.These five characters, should remain to the woman said that, lets her win some dignities .这五个特点,仍应向女子说,让她赢得一些尊严。

8.A peace above all earthly dignities , a still and quiet conscience.有一种宁静超越尘世间的所有尊贵,那种寂静平和的良心。

9.We should respect everyone pterally, however those who behaves abnormally will definitely lose their dignities.原则上我们应该尊重任何人,但是那些行为不轨的人绝对会丢失自己的尊严。

10.He restored lost Dignities and Honours.他可找回失去的尊严与荣誉。