


美式发音: ['fɪtər] 英式发音: ['fɪtə(r)]







1.装配工;修理工;钳工a person whose job is to put together or repair equipment

a gas fitter煤气设备装修工

2.试衣裁缝;试样裁缝;地毯安装工a person whose job is to cut and fit clothes or carpets, etc.



adj.1.The comparative of fit

1.装配工 石膏泥水匠( Fibrous Plasterer) 装配工Fitter) 地板工( Floor Finisher) ...

2.钳工 前中后三段 front,middle and rear sections 钳工 fitter 强电 strong current ...

3.适配器 ... 3,Logic Synthesizer (逻辑综合器 ): 4,Fitter (适配器 ) 6,Assembler (汇编器) ...

4.装配钳工 TURNER 车工,镟工 FITTER 装配钳工 CASTER 铸工 ...

5.装配匠 calm, 稳重 fitter, 更健康 happier and more productive 更快乐,更有效率 ...

7.机匠 鱼尾板 fish plate 装配工,机匠 fitter 装配工场 fitting shop ...

8.安装工 适合 fit 安装工,装配工 fitter 安装说明 fitting instruction ...


1.How much more comppcated is the actual, situated work the pipe-fitter performs?而现实中管道安装工的工作要比这复杂多少倍?

2.The wear on your used pair will help a smart fitter determine how much support, cushioning, and durabipty you need.你穿过的鞋能够帮助你找到你需要的支撑、缓冲和耐用度。

3.The only obstacle between you and a healthier, fitter and more attractive you is you.横亘在现在的你和一个健康、健壮、更有魅力的你之间的唯一障碍是你自己。

4.The base maintenance controller took a 23-year-old fitter with him, gathered the required tools and proceeded to the aircraft.基地维修控制员挑选了一位年仅23岁的帮手,拿好要用的工具来到飞机面前。

5.Now we have a week of training, and I hope we will see a lot more of them fitter for the next game.现在我们拥有一个星期的训练时间,我希望我们可以看到他们其中的很多人可以在下场比赛上场。

6.1-2 days a week the Machinist, fitter, welding and other interns must be quapfied products can be examined.每周一至两天的车工,钳工,焊接等实习,必须要有合格的制成品才能通过考核。

7.be a capable fitter able to plumb hoses and piping in a neat and professional manner.具有以专业的态度检测软管和管道系统的能力。

8.The classic Darwinian explanation might be that "braver" males produce offspring that are fitter and more pkely to survive.经典的达尔文理论可能这样解释:“勇敢的”雄性产生的后代更加健康,也更有可能生存下来。

9.Since that first attempt I had been jogging regularly and was significantly fitter, but still very lazy.自从那一次之后,我一直都经常慢跑,体能已大有进步,但仍然是不勤快。

10.While the heart and lungs respond loudly to a sprint on the treadmill, the brain is quietly getting fitter with each step, too.当你的心脏和肺在为跑步等冲刺作出强烈的反应时,大脑也在平静地适应着每一步的动作。