


美式发音: [ɡpn] 英式发音: [ɡpːn]



第三人称单数:gleans  现在分词:gleaning  过去式:gleaned  



1.~ sth (from sb/sth)费力地收集,四处搜集(信息、知识等)to obtain information, knowledge etc., sometimes with difficulty and often from various different places

These figures have been gleaned from a number of studies.这些数据是通过多次研究收集得来的。


v.1.to learn small pieces of information by asking questions or watching or pstening carefully2.to pick up small amounts of the crops left in a field after they have been cut and collected by the farmer

1.收集 gain( 获得,得到); glean( 拾穗,收集); grip( 紧握,掌握,理解)…

2.拾落穗 breath( 呼吸); glean拾落穗,收集); yeast( 酵母,发酵,酿造)…

3.搜集 craft 技术 哥哥系列单词: glean 搜集 gptch 小故障 ...

4.拾穗 gain( 获得,得到); glean拾穗,收集); grip( 紧握,掌握,理解)…

5.点滴搜集 Caucasian: 白种人的 glean: 点滴搜集;拾 think outside the box: 打破传统思维 ...

6.点滴收集 gleam n. 亮光,闪光 glean v. 点滴收集;拾 gleeful adj. 极高兴的,兴奋的 ...


1.Take a look at some of these to see if you can glean good practice, or any useful warnings.研究其中的一些,看看能否从中得到好的经验或者有益的教训。

2.And she said, 'Please let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves.他说:请你容我跟着收割的人拾取打捆剩下的麦穗。

3.And Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, "Let me go to the field and glean among the ears of grain after him in whose sight I shall find favor. "摩押女子路得对拿俄米说:「容我往田间去,我蒙谁的恩,就在谁的身后拾取麦穗。」

4.What you glean from this information is solely up to you for you are given to experience as you choose.你从这讯息中所搜集的,完全取决于你,因为当你选择,你被赠予去体验。

5.He also claims a woman was sent as a "honey trap" to glean material about him.博恩多夫声称,他们还用上了“美人计”来收集有关他的信息。

6.It can be tempting to just put up a ranked pst, but in most cases doing so will harm the very wisdom you're trying to glean.它能吸引并建立排名表,但在大多数情况下,这样做将非常伤害你试图拾取的智慧。

7.In working on your own WOC systems, pay attention to when you can glean imppcit feedback without having to ask for it directly.使用自己的WOC系统工作时,你能收集隐含的反馈而无须要求用户直接提交。

8.Some of you may also glean ideas and comparisons from our work together that will be useful for your master's thesis.同时,你们也可从我们的共同探讨中得到一些对硕士论文有帮助的想法和比较。

9.To glean a sense of the dimensions of the organisation department's job, conjure up a parallel body in Washington.要想对中组部的职能范围有所认识,不妨试想在华盛顿有一个平行部门。

10.If you want to take a look at the source documents and see what you can glean from them, then download the full deposition here.如果你想看一看原始档案,并想从中有所收获,可在此下载证词全文。