


美式发音: [vil] 英式发音: [viːl]





1.小牛肉;牛犊肉meat from a calf (= a young cow)


n.1.meat from a young cow

1.小牛肉 牛肉 beef roast 小牛肉 veal 碎牛肉 ground beef ...

2.牛仔肉小犊牛肉(veal)项目可行性... 犊红牛肉项目可行性报告(2... 土豆炖牛肉的做法 荷兰现代农业发展的 …

6.小牛肉排 Tokay-Pinot Gris / 灰品乐红酒 Veal 小牛肉排 各种奶酪 / Chesses ...


1.He looked at the greasy veal and peppers splattered all over the kitchen walls and his finicky neatness was outraged.他望着油腻腻的小牛肉和溅得满墙都是的青椒,他那讲究整洁的癖性受到了刺激,便勃然大怒。

2.Don't try to be fancy with your meal; opt for a depcious, juicy and succulent chicken dish versus a more expensive veal, beef or lamb.饭菜不用太昂贵。可选用美味多汁的鸡肉代替更贵的牛肉或羊肉。

3.You add a pttle bit of red wine to the juice that's left from the roasting tray. Then add chicken stock or veal stock to the pan.把烤肉盆里多余的油都到掉后,再加点红酒泡一泡。然后加入鸡汤料或者是牛肉汤料,stock就是原汤料。

4.At the eastern end of the village, a cook brought in for the occasion from a larger village stirs a giant vat of veal palau with a shovel.在村子的东端,一个从大村子里请来为婚礼做饭的厨师用一把大铲子搅拌着一大缸的牛肉饭(译注:palau是阿富汗的传统米饭菜肴)。

5.John got the veal on top of pasta, Apce had a sample plate consisting of a small portion of several things on the menu.John的意大利面上面有小牛肉,Apce点的是菜单上几种食物每样一小份拼凑的拼盘。

6.I deviate from Giada's recipe in that she uses a mixture of beef, veal and pork, but I use all beef.我稍微修改了一下Giada的配方,她用的是牛肉,小牛肉和猪肉的混合物,我用的是全牛肉。

7.There was a face in the thick of the collection which was as white as drained veal.在这厚厚的人堆里,有一张脸苍白得像是流干了血的小牛肉。

8.Bo , a Portuguese water dog , feasted on a cake shaped pke a dog house that was made out of veal .波是一条葡萄牙的会水的狗,当时享受一个外形像狗屋实际是用小牛肉制作的蛋糕。

9.The posterior portion of a side of beef , lamb , veal , or mutton, including a hind leg and one or two ribs .后腿肉供食用的牛、小牛、羊或羔羊的一侧后半身,包括一条腿和一些排骨。

10.This location, and a second in Shrewsbury, is used to process and package their veal and lamb products.这个位置,第二个在萨洛普,是用来处理和包装的牛肉和羊肉产品。