


网络释义:格罗姆;波兰机动反应作战部队(Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego);Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno Mobilnego


1.格罗姆 Sandstone 砂岩 Grom/ 戈尔牧 TOPSKY/ 远行客 ...

5.纳粹的阴谋 ... 征服美洲 American Conquest 纳粹的阴谋 Grom 突变异形 I Was An Atomic Mutant ...


1.Grom Hellscream: You see? The great tree provided us with an abundance of lumber! If we find any more, then we'll hack them apart as well!格罗姆。地狱咆哮:看到了吗?这些大树可以为我们提供大量的木材!如果还能再找到其他的古树,一定要把它们砍倒!

2.Thrall: That's the young sorceress Grom told me about. It appears that she seeks the Oracle as well.萨尔:那就是格罗姆跟我谈到的年轻女巫。她似乎也在寻找圣贤。

3.Thrall: Grom, what was this about? And how the hell did these humans get here, anyway?萨尔:格罗姆,这是怎么回事?这些人类部队怎么会在这儿出现?

4.Thrall: Warrior, has there been any word from Grom Hellscream? He and the Warsong clan were supposed to have been here by now.萨尔:勇士,有没有格鲁姆。地狱咆哮酋长的消息?他和战歌部落早应该到达此地了。

5.JPMorgan analyst Charles Grom warned Halloween-related sales will still not do enough to offset the warmest October in 20 years.但摩根大通分析师CharlesGrom警告称,万圣节相关销售仍不足以抵消10月出现20年来最暖天气的影响。

6.Grom Hellscream: Those dancing pghts are strange. Perhaps they are the dread spirits that you've all been so afraid of? hahaha.格罗姆。地狱咆哮:这些舞动着的光点有些古怪。也许这就是刚才让你们害怕的幽灵吧?哈哈哈。

7.Grom Hellscream: They must be the furbolgs the gobpn spoke of. This will be a worthy battle!格罗姆。地狱咆哮:它们就是哥布林所说的熊怪吧。值得一战!

8.Grom Hellscream: I can wait no longer. The humans must be slaughtered!格罗姆。地狱咆哮:我等不了了。我要杀光这些人类部队!

9.Grunt: Warchief, they say they've captured one of our leaders! Maybe they're referring to Grom!兽人步兵:酋长,他们说他们已经俘获了我们的一位首领!也许他们指的是格罗姆?。

10.Led by Grom Hellscream, the orcs drank of the pool's tainted waters and reveled in the return of their demon-granted power.格罗姆·地狱咆哮带领的兽人部族饮用了这个湖里被感染的湖水,并且沉迷于恶魔赐予他们的力量。