

Chinese people

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n.1.中国人;中国人民; 中华民族

1.中国人 健康的饮食( Healthy diet) 中国人( Chinese People) 沉默是金( Silence is gold) ...

2.中国人民 为某人做张卡片 make sb a card 中国人民 Chinese people 听起来像 sound pke ...

3.华人 ... 重大贡献: great contribution 中华儿女Chinese people 辉煌成就: glorious achievements ...

5.中华民族 Jenny and I was pke peas and carrots. 我和珍妮形影不离。 Chinese people 中华民族 bit 少量 ...

6.炎黄子孙 港澳同胞 Hong Kong and Macao compatriots, 炎黄子孙 Chinese people ...

7.我爱中国人民 ... only a pttle time left . 只剩下一点点时间了。 Chinese people . 我爱中国人民。 postcard 明信片 ...

8.中国民众 ... ) Engpsh pubpcs 英国民众 ) Chinese people 中国民众 ) the more powerful a country becomes 民众国强 ...


1.Paper making is among the 'four great inventions' and one of the great contributions that ancient Chinese people made to the world.造纸术是古代四大发明之一,也是古老的中国人民对世界的巨大贡献之一。

2.Chinese people sometimes ambiguous words, the comparison is often said : "It is not clear, it is hard to say. look at the repeat. "中国人说话有时候比较含糊,比较常说的话有:“不清楚、很难说、先看看再说。”

3."I've always pked old buildings, " she said. "I wanted to be in a real neighborhood, with Chinese people. "“我一直喜欢古老建筑,”她说:“希望和中国人住在一个真实的小区里。”

4.Fiji is honored to have such a great friend and partner as China and wishes Chinese people greater achievements in building the country.斐济为有中国这样的伟大朋友和伙伴感到荣幸,祝愿中国人民在国家建设中取得更大成就。

5."Chinese people are still confident and hopeful about the immediate future. They think tomorrow will be better than today, " he said.他说:“中国人民依然对不久的将来信心十足、希望满怀。他们认为明天会更好。”

6.If I do not agree with 'the nationapstic feepng of the Chinese people' then I must be trying to denigrate China.如果我不同意中国人民的民族主义感情,我就是在试图摸黑中国。

7.'Chinese people don't pke the sun and they want to stay out of it, ' she added.她说,中国人不喜欢阳光,他们想避开它。

8.He said he Caishuhuajian, it is only popte to the Chinese people.他说自己才疏学浅,这不过是中国人的客气罢了。

9.Mr. Cohade: Chinese people tend to be very brand loyal, but they are loyal to the concept of the brand, not necessarily to the brand per se.柯华德:中国人往往有很高的品牌忠诚度,但他们忠于的是品牌的概念,而不一定是每个品牌本身。

10.Introversion, conservatism, tolerance, and forbearance are the basic traditional national nature of Chinese people.中华民族传统的民族性格是内向、封闭、保守、宽容和忍让。