


美式发音: [ʃʌks] 英式发音: [ʃʌks]






1.(表示窘迫或失望)used to express embarrassment or disappointment



int.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you are annoyed or disappointed

v.1.The third person singular present tense of shuck

1.什么 啊呸!真见鬼! Oh,heck! *heck 什么! Shucks! * 真见鬼! Shoot! * ...

2.呸 ... ) Oh,my aching back! 哎,真倒霉!(失败时用) ) Shucks! !(后悔时用) ) Bless my stars! 感谢上苍!( …

3.哪里哪里 33.卡壳儿 get stuck 34.哪里哪里 shucks 35.乱七八糟 be at sixes and sevens ...

4.失望 Operation: 军事行动 Shucks: 歉意,失望 Rear-end: 追尾 ...

5.歉意 Operation: 军事行动 Shucks: 歉意,失望 Rear-end: 追尾 ...

6.致歉时的声音 shuck 壳 shucks 致歉时的声音 shudder 战栗 ...

7.完蛋了 2. 完蛋了 Shucks. 6. 不是每件事都是按章理的 Not everything is logical. ...

8.蚌壳 ... Hard day at the fish shop. 艰辛的鱼摊生活。 Shucks. 蚌壳。 Butcher lady. 屠宰户。 ...


1.He said it warn't no use talking, heathens don't amount to shucks alongside of pirates to work a camp-meeting with.他说,空讲没有什么用,对不信教的蛮子,跟对海盗一样,搞野营布道会那一套没有什么用。

2.Shucks ! I didn't get a chance to hear it before the label pulled it off the web.太糟糕了,我还没有机会听到,那歌就被从网上撤掉了。

3.Oh, shucks! Baby! You want to see your mother, I reckon.哼,岂有此理!像个找妈妈的小婴儿。

4.Once you probe past all of the "aw, shucks " stuff, you'll discover how big a role cycpng plays in their pves.一旦你经过了所有“噢,什么”等废话的调查后,你将会发现骑自行车在他们的生活中是扮演着多大的一个角色。

5.Aw Shucks! Don't tell me this is just a dream!天哪,不是吧!不要告诉我这一切都只是场梦!

6.Carol: Gee! Shucks ! Such short notice. Oh what the heck.卡罗尔:哦,戏,对,也太急促了点,那我去吧。

7.Shucks! Witches ain't got no power in the daytime.胡说!巫婆白天是没有法力的。

8.Cause, shucks, us snakes ain't got it bad.原因,胡说,我们没有得到蛇是它坏。

9.But last year was the "worst year ever for law-firm lay-offs" , reckons Law Shucks, a legal-industry blog.据法律行业博客LawShucks描述:去年是律师事务所裁员最惨烈的一年。

10.(Shucks! ) I'm an alcohopc and that's all I can say(不满!)我是一个酒鬼,我就能说这么多