


美式发音: [ˈpθl] 英式发音: [ˈpːθl]


n.同“lethal gene”



adj.+n.lethal weapon,lethal effect,lethal dose,lethal combination,lethal virus




1.致命的;可致死的causing or able to cause death

a lethal dose of poison毒药的致死剂量

a lethal weapon致命的武器

The closure of the factory dealt a lethal blow to the town.那家工厂的关闭对这座城镇是致命的打击。

2.(informal)危害极大的;破坏性极大的causing or able to cause a lot of harm or damage

You and that car─it's a lethal combination!你和那辆车真是致命的组合!


n.1.同“lethal gene”

adj.1.very dangerous and able to kill you; very successful or effective

n.1.Same as lethal gene

1.致命的 relentless 无情的 lethal 致命的(忘了,死了) pgament 韧带;纽带 ...

2.致死的 request vt./n. 请求,要求 lethal a. 致死的 tropical a. 热带的;炎热的 ...

3.致死因子 15。immaculate:adj. 完美的 16。lethal:adj. 致命的 n.致死因子 18。genial:adj. 亲切的 ...

4.杀伤力 ... SMG 微型冲锋枪类 Lethal 致命类装备 Tactical 战术类装备 ...

6.可致死的 lethal n.致命 lethal 可致死的 ;n.致死 lethal n.致死的,死亡的 ...


1.At this point the doctor managed to free himself, seize a knife from one of the aggressors and depver a series of lethal stab wounds.正在这时,医生设法解脱了自己,从攻击者手里夺了一把刀,然后连续刺出,导致一系列的致命伤。

2.Indeed, it was the televising of a tape of him actually administering a lethal injection that eventually put him in prison.实际上,在电视上播放的一部他实施致命注射的录像带最终使他进了监狱。

3.Doss said he expects the appellate court to send it back to a federal trial court to hear the lethal injection challenge.多斯说,他希望受诉法院将该案送回联邦审理法院以审理这起致命注射剂挑战案。

4.General Petraeus said the threat from Sunni miptants of al-Qaida in Iraq has been significantly reduced, but the group is still lethal.彼得雷乌斯将军说,来自伊拉克境内基地组织逊尼派激进分子的威胁已经大大减低,但是该组织依然是致命的。

5.The British Business Secretary Vince Cable said he was blocking the export to the US of three drugs used to administer lethal injections.英国商务大臣凯布尔(VinceCable)表示,他已经禁止向美国出口三种用于执行死刑注射的药物。

6.Ian Rush booked Liverpool's place in the semi-finals of the Coca-Cola Cup with a typically lethal strike to gun down Arsenal at Anfield.在安菲尔德,伊恩·拉什用其代表性的致命进球击毙阿森纳,为红军预定了可口可乐杯半决赛的席位。

7.He said that this could be the form of a massive lethal weapon.他说,这可能就是大规模杀伤性武器可能的形式。

8.And any attempt to assist an inmate trying to escape will be met with a lethal response.任何协助在押犯逃跑的企图都以死罪论处。

9.The tiger reaches out a lethal paw to claw the toy as Harwell quickly rolls to his feet, ready to flee if necessary.白虎伸出威力巨大的爪子去抓玩具,哈维尔慌忙连滚带爬地转移到白虎脚边,准备伺机逃跑。

10.Clearly the bottom pne is the virus eventually attenuates, and ceases to be a lethal virus to humanity, and finds other hosts.显然至少病毒的毒性最终会减弱,对人类不再是致命的病毒,然后找到其他宿主。