


美式发音: [ɒˈrɪsə] 英式发音: [ɔˈrisə]





n.1.[Travel]state in eastern India

1.奥里萨邦我在奥里萨邦(Orissa)的Koraput和Gankjam考察钻石加工业,就感到有很大潜力,建议邦首席部长帕奈克(NaveenPatnaik)开办 …

2.印度奥里萨邦印度奥里萨邦ORISSA)政府可能会与韩国浦项公司(POSCO)重新签订总投资额5400亿卢比的建厂备忘录,浦项将在该邦 …

3.东部奥里萨烈火5型飞弹自东部奥里萨Orissa)省巴德瑞克(Bhadrak)县外海的惠勒岛(Wheeler Island)发射,其射程达5,000公里, …

4.奥里萨省在奥里萨省 (Orissa) 等地超过50,000以上的印度基督徒被迫逃离家园,已经有数十人被杀害,上百个教堂被毁,实在是印度基 …

5.印度东部奥里萨邦首先在印度东部奥里萨邦Orissa)的发电厂引进该技术,之后计画会推广至其他发电厂。而日本则将针对协助印度减碳事业, …


1.The state of Orissa, which accounts for a fifth of India's ore exports, also said recently it was considering a similar ban.铁矿石出口量约占全国五分之一的奥里萨邦(Orissa)近期也表示考虑出台类似禁令。

2.India's defense ministry says the Agni-three missile was launched Thursday from Wheeler Island, off the eastern Indian state of Orissa.印度国防部说,这枚烈火叁型远程导弹星期四从印度东部奥里萨邦沿海的惠勒岛上发射。

3.The long-delayed proposed plant of POSCO in India's eastern state of Orissa has been stalled by protests and green probes.浦项在印度东部Orissa邦的长期拖延的提议项目因为抗议和调查而走样。

4.The ceremony, at a Hindu temple in Orissa state's Jajpur district, was conducted with all the rituals observed at traditional weddings.婚礼在奥里萨邦州的Jajpur区的一个印度寺庙举行。除了新娘为一条有着丰厚嫁妆的乡下狗狗外,结婚仪式与传统仪式无异。

5.In a recent press statement, it said that the "vast majority of the local community in Orissa has welcomed and supported Vedanta. "在最近发表的一份声明中,该公司表示,“奥里萨邦的大多数当地居民欢迎并支持韦丹塔”。

6.A forest panel said permits for POSCO's planned $12 bilpon steel mill in the eastern state of Orissa should be temporarily withdrawn.一个森林专家小组说,Orissa邦浦项的计划$12亿美元的钢轧机在东部的计划许可证应该暂时撤回。

7.British-based Vedanta Resources had planned a six-fold expansion of its aluminum refinery in the eastern Orissa state.本部在英国的韦塔丹资源公司已计划在印度奥里萨邦东部增开六倍多的炼铝厂。

8.It hopes to begin work soon on a 12m tonne steel-production plant in the Indian state of Orissa, where it also has mineral rights.他希望首先从并购印度奥利萨邦的一家年产1200万吨的钢铁厂开始,这家钢铁厂同时还拥有矿产开采权。

9.The eastern state of Orissa has been wracked with clashes between Hindus and Christians since August.位于东部的奥里萨邦8月份以来弥漫著印度教徒和基督教徒之间冲突的硝烟。

10.well, the Maoist party actually operates in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. . . in west bengal in few districts they operate.好吧,毛派党在安德拉邦和奥里萨邦还有西孟加拉邦的一部分地区运行